Favourite Costume

Started by War Wager, Apr 01, 2007, 05:07:01 PM

Whats your favorite custome to wear when playing CJ?

Concrete Jungle
30 (11.6%)
Jungle Hunter (Predator)
45 (17.4%)
Ritual Armour
25 (9.7%)
Alien Hunter (AvP)
35 (13.6%)
Dark Blade Clan
68 (26.4%)
City Hunter (Predator 2)
46 (17.8%)
Bad Blood
9 (3.5%)

Total Members Voted: 224

Favourite Costume (Read 65,251 times)

War Wager

War Wager

City Hunter for me because I prefered the Predator 2 look to the original. I think it gives the Predator a more menacing and evil look.



I go with Ritual armor. Having the big animal skull on your shoulder is awesome, it's mostly black or dark colored and the mask is very different and distingushed from all the other Predator masks.



Quote from: >>Predalien Warrior<< on Apr 01, 2007, 05:07:01 PM
City Hunter for me because I prefered the Predator 2 look to the original. I think it gives the Predator a more menacing and evil look.

Thank you, im not the only one who like the p2 look better.



I use the Original most of the time, but sometimes I switch to the P2 costume or when I'm playing the Alien levels, the AvP costume. None of the designs created for the game really interest me, they look like something fans created and the Bad Blood costume is just terrible.



I thought the bad blood costume was really creative. Mixture of of the captured Preds and all three of the bad bloods. I was pissed though that you could only unlock the City hunter on the thrid to last lvl. I wanted to play with it earlier.



Sure it's creative, but creative and awesome are two different things. Predators just don't look as good without their dreadlocks and armor. I do like the little eyepiece attached to his mask but I think they could've done better.



I like the Dark Blade clan costume. The glowing green eyes are cool and I like the red lights on the preds armor. When you have all the upgrades for your weapons, it matches your armor.   ;D



The skin based off the Pred from the first movie, once I unlocked it I used that one for the rest of the game.



Dark Blade clan armor for me, red and black are my favorite colors, and the pred looks so damn cool too



Can someone post up what all the costumes look like, i just got this game recently.

btw: my favorite is the original predator costume



I'd do it, but a bit of forewarning, taking photos from a TV have always turned out like crap when I do them. I'll take the shots and upload them tomorrow.



Thank you so much! ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D



Dark Blade and City Hunter looks nice.

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

Quote from: Bishop on May 01, 2007, 10:45:11 AM
Thank you so much! ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D
Wow another Bishop, well an android  ;D

and I like the Dark Blade clan the best, and the Predator 2 one.

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