Gearbox / Sega To Cancel Aliens: CM?

Started by Darkness, Nov 22, 2008, 10:59:16 PM

Gearbox / Sega To Cancel Aliens: CM? (Read 17,304 times)

Iron Hide


Bio Mech Hunter

Oh, for the love of all that is good and holy! PLEASE DON'T CANCEL ALIENS! *cries*  This has been in the pipe for what seems like an eternity. They've kept us rabid fans on baited breath for so long. If they can this project, you can bet there are going to be quite a few PISSED fans out there. To say the least.  Let's not forget they canned the original PS2 Aliens: Colonial Marines game, too. And yes, fans were pissed.


there are far 2 many ww2 games and just a few aliens games do the right thing and bring Aliens CM out. just kant wait since heard about this game to come out. I say get the Game out if u want 2 give us loyal fans a new game and sumthing else 2 chat about


Children! What did AVP-R teach us?! That even if you see an awesome, bloody, redband trailer the end product can still end up being a giant kick in the f--king balls. You as the fans you can't make that mistake again. Don't get your hopes up at all, especially when it comes to anything that is Alien or Predator. It's not over until the fat lady sings. Until ACM is installed on your PC or you got for the PS3 or 360 version and the game is awesome because you played it.....then thats the time to start having high hopes and being happy as a fan! Until then, it's safe to asume that everything is gonna be raped to death and everything that is Alien and Predator is going to suck harder than the last product. I have zero faith in this franchise, zero faith for the people incharge in it, until I see gold then I'll be the first one to start cheering, until then I have zero faith in Gearbox and SEGA.


PHANTOM just spoke words as if it came out the Bible itself    :D  


Oy, AVP-R rant aside, I have hopes, I want to play a good Alien game on my console, and I really hope this comes out, and doesn't get cancelled. I still have hope, call me foolish, but I hold out hope to the bitter end.



SEGA confirmed to IGN that GBX is still in the controller's seat.



Phantom... without hope most ppl woudnt visit this site at all u see, i dont hope for a good game.. i know that it will be a good game ;)



without hope most ppl woudnt visit this site at all  i visit it all the time and it has jack shit to do with hope. more to do with info on somthing i enjoyed and what may or may not be coming out .  i know that it will be a good game ;)   dont wish to piss on your parade nemo but u cant know anything .because jack shit has been released about the title in question ,like ive said in other posts this is a very uninformative release  if your going by a few screenshots/concepts and blurb then your gonna get what you deserve (by the way a game cannot be seen for how good it is from a few pictures it has to be seen in motion and not a set up level by the studio .again people i know got hands on with fc2 canada and were realy impressed until they bought it.and it didnt play anything like they,d sampled) farcry2 is a fine example of somthing that isnt to what was shown  please see ubisoft forums for those of us disapointed by hype and misled on detail and its final execution across platforms(there still raging because dlc now asking for $10 to download extra content on console even tho the game still dosent work and desperatly needs patching before these people start asking for more cash to support somthing broken)  there is hope but it can always be dashed on the rocks of get our money and run   >:D    just like avp 2:rectum lool


WOW, this just keeps getting better and better.  You guys do realize that pretty soon Aliens and Predator will become such a forgotten past-time that soon this site will eventually shut down as well.  I used to always defend the AVP movies, but now I'm starting to wonder if their tepid response from fans and critics is basically killing these franchises.



@ konradski  ok my comment on hope and visiting this site was stupid and i admit it... im here daily but rarely posting and "I know it will be a good game" is just my obsession whit Law of Attraction lately     ;D   anyways ur argument stands but im still sure i will not be despoilment  like i was with Fallout 3    >:(  

Aliens Fan

Aliens Fan

Colonial Marines is the only Aliens property to interest me since the original two films. I gotta say it would be extremely disapointing if this game wasnt given every chance to suceed like it deserves to.

Aliens Fan

Aliens Fan

There is an online petition to show support for the game and enusre it gets a release.  I signed the crap out of it.    ;)  



Listen guys, the game is prob about 75% Complete, they are not going to cancel a game which is nearly done, at this stage of the game the designers/makers are not going to walk away if they dont get paid, they will carry on a finish it if they have too.  I know this because i helped make BF2, and many others games which was in this situation, we would still carry on making it even if we wasnt getting paid!!!


Well, there's nothing preventing it from being cancelled... Just look at that 'Babylon 5' flight simulator, which was virtually ready, only for Sierra to suddenly dump it. They had gone to the extent of aactually getting all the actors filmed and, to this very day, none of it has been released to the public domain. It was virtually done.  Of course, it couldn't be completed by those making it, in their spare time, because all of those involved had gone off to other projects.

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