Patch Thread

Started by Corporal Hicks, Sep 23, 2021, 06:40:02 PM

Patch Thread (Read 9,352 times)

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

Quote from: Samhain13 on Oct 26, 2023, 05:35:53 PM
bots are still not good enough in higher difficulties

There are mods for that do a better job.

Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Oct 25, 2023, 11:58:46 PMIt's not the last patch.

I know, this the first of a few patches for the end of the game. It's still one the final ones we're getting. I doubt we'll see anything massive for the true final patch, but anything is possible. I believe they're mostly focusing on the new game which is to be expected. It's good we were given that info at least. knowing the lack of communication we had with them. So I'm glad we know there are other surprises in the future.



Apparently people are saying alpha and beta are like 4k health in the higher difficulties. And they will do you FF damage.



Whats the most significant update for the bots?



General scaling and intelligence, I think we might see another update between now and Alien Day, but we will get one last big one in April.

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

And now they do friendly fire damage. On harder difficulties they love to shoot you in the back, since they stay behind you now more often.

Slutty Badger

Slutty Badger

Quote from: Still Collating... on Nov 26, 2023, 12:28:23 AMAnd now they do friendly fire damage.

And that's regardless of difficulty?

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

Don't know, haven't tested it since I only play on harder difficulties now. If I remember FF damage between players starts at Intense. It's funny and sad at the same time. Before Alpha and Beta were constantly in front of you and were passing your crosshairs almost religiously. Now they're constantly at the back (great!) but the FF is very noticeable and it seems like they're aiming specifically at the player.... Maybe to get revenge on us killing the so many times...? :laugh:



Great, wonderful, shit... to quote Gorman. Hopefully they still have a couple of patches to fix it up.



Still hoping for a new map



Four player mode please.



Playable Xeno

Slutty Badger

Slutty Badger

A follow-up to the events at the end of the game would be great.

Corporal Hicks

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

Wasn't expecting anything from them, that's nice! A small, but nice gesture, especially for the free cards. I wonder if this means we  can choose and buy certain cards? That would be a game changer instead of being stuck with throwing the dice every time.

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