Patch Thread

Started by Corporal Hicks, Sep 23, 2021, 06:40:02 PM

Patch Thread (Read 9,401 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks



        The "Trauma Station" Ability now regains energy when any player picks up an Aid Kit, instead of only granting energy to the specific Doc player that picks it up. If there is more than one Doc in the team, the energy is split between them.
        The "Trauma Station" Ability Replacers (Painkiller Station and Suppression Station) can now be placed down even when out of energy.
        Change to the HUD so that it now displays a notification showing the amount of energy replenished when picking up an Aid Kit, making it easier to tell when the "Trauma Station" Ability has been recharged.


    The Doc's "Field Medic" Perk and its related Perks have had their range increased to 7m (previously 6m.)
    The Demolisher's "Rampage" Perk should now work correctly with flamethrowers.
    The Demolisher's "Assault & Battery" Perk now only grants up to 50% cooldown reduction (previously 100%.) This Perk has also had its tooltip updated to reflect this change.


    Fixed an issue with Special Ammo Consumables where they could be erroneously applied to the N79 EVA Laser Pistol. Attempting to do so will now display a message informing you that Special Ammo is not available for this weapon.


    The "Stuck Magazines" Challenge Card should no longer affect AI companions.
    The "Tactical Cam" Challenge Card should now correctly affect all players in a party.


    Fixed a number of places in the game where players could get stuck in the world geometry.
    Fixed a number of places in the game where players could traverse, but enemies could not reach them.


    Fixed a situation where the Doc's UI for the "Trauma Station" Ability's energy bar could display an inaccurate value.


    Fixed a situation where kills with flamethrowers would not be counted towards the progress of a Tactical Opportunity.
    Intel items should now be able to be properly pinged with the correct message.
    Fixed a number of situations where more players than intended were able to group up.




QuoteNow that we have a month of data and feedback, we're making our first pass at some improvements to the guns in the game. We'll continue to evaluate the performance of all weapons, so keep that feedback coming!

We have implemented the following changes.


Kramer Short-Barrel:
Base Spread was higher than intended, and has been adjusted down ~20%.
Base Max Ammo increased to 80, up from 60.
Time to Reload per-shell has been decreased to 0.3s, down from 0.4s.
M10 Auto Pistol: Base Max Ammo increased to 600, up from 520.
N79 EVA Laser: Decreased charge time to 0.2s, down from 0.3s. Post-shot cooldown decreased to 0.3s, down from 0.4s. Heat generated per shot decreased by ~20%.
L36 Halberd: Weak Point Multiplier increased to 225%, up from 200%.
M41A3 Burst Rifle: Damage increased ~10%. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
AM-16 Gruppa: Now properly gets 0.5% damage per stack of the Rank 4 perk, instead of 5%. Base Max Ammo increases to 360, up from 300. Damage increased ~5%. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
LEM MP11 Stormsurge: Damage increased ~5%. Post-burst cooldown decreased to 0.135s, down from 0.15s. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
Type 21 Tactical Shotgun: Damage increased ~5%. Reload time decreased to 2.1s, down from 2.4s.
L59 Minigun: Damage increased ~5%. Base Fire Rate increased ~10%. Magazine Size increased to 120, up from 100. Base Max Ammo increased to 360, up from 300.
Fixed various instances of Achievements not being awarded when they should have been.
Emotes should no longer incorrectly interrupt certain Kit Abilities.
Fixed an issue where meleeing during a reload could make the character appear to be in a broken state until the reloading completed. Melee will now interrupt reloading properly.
Hoenikker should no longer be instantly killed by grapples in higher difficulties.
Made some UI improvements that should improve performance on lower end systems.
Improved stability.


Kramer Short-Barrel:
Base Spread was higher than intended, and has been adjusted down ~20%.
Base Max Ammo increased to 80, up from 60.
Time to Reload per-shell has been decreased to 0.3s, down from 0.4s.
M10 Auto Pistol: Base Max Ammo increased to 600, up from 520.
N79 EVA Laser: Decreased charge time to 0.2s, down from 0.3s. Post-shot cooldown decreased to 0.3s, down from 0.4s. Heat generated per shot decreased by ~20%.
L36 Halberd: Weak Point Multiplier increased to 225%, up from 200%.
M41A3 Burst Rifle: Damage increased ~10%. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
AM-16 Gruppa: Now properly gets 0.5% damage per stack of the Rank 4 perk, instead of 5%. Base Max Ammo increases to 360, up from 300. Damage increased ~5%. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
LEM MP11 Stormsurge: Damage increased ~5%. Post-burst cooldown decreased to 0.135s, down from 0.15s. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
Type 21 Tactical Shotgun: Damage increased ~5%. Reload time decreased to 2.1s, down from 2.4s.
L59 Minigun: Damage increased ~5%. Base Fire Rate increased ~10%. Magazine Size increased to 120, up from 100. Base Max Ammo increased to 360, up from 300.
Fixed various instances of Trophies not being awarded when they should have been.
Emotes should no longer incorrectly interrupt certain Kit Abilities.
Fixed an issue where meleeing during a reload could make the character appear to be in a broken state until the reloading completed. Melee will now interrupt reloading properly.
Hoenikker should no longer be instantly killed by grapples in higher difficulties.
Made some UI improvements that should improve performance on lower end systems.


Kramer Short-Barrel:
Base Spread was higher than intended, and has been adjusted down ~20%.
Base Max Ammo increased to 80, up from 60.
Time to Reload per-shell has been decreased to 0.3s, down from 0.4s.
M10 Auto Pistol: Base Max Ammo increased to 600, up from 520.
N79 EVA Laser: Decreased charge time to 0.2s, down from 0.3s. Post-shot cooldown decreased to 0.3s, down from 0.4s. Heat generated per shot decreased by ~20%.
L36 Halberd: Weak Point Multiplier increased to 225%, up from 200%.
M41A3 Burst Rifle: Damage increased ~10%. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
AM-16 Gruppa: Now properly gets 0.5% damage per stack of the Rank 4 perk, instead of 5%. Base Max Ammo increases to 360, up from 300. Damage increased ~5%. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
LEM MP11 Stormsurge: Damage increased ~5%. Post-burst cooldown decreased to 0.135s, down from 0.15s. Mid-burst Recoil reduced ~25%.
Type 21 Tactical Shotgun: Damage increased ~5%. Reload time decreased to 2.1s, down from 2.4s.
L59 Minigun: Damage increased ~5%. Base Fire Rate increased ~10%. Magazine Size increased to 120, up from 100. Base Max Ammo increased to 360, up from 300.
Fixed various instances of Achievements not being awarded when they should have been.
Emotes should no longer incorrectly interrupt certain Kit Abilities.
Fixed an issue where meleeing during a reload could make the character appear to be in a broken state until the reloading completed. Melee will now interrupt reloading properly.
Hoenikker should no longer be instantly killed by grapples in higher difficulties.
Made some UI improvements that should improve performance on lower end systems.
Made some improvements that may help prevent some instances of unintended white flashes on the screen.
Improved stability.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks


Fixed a bug where the OCAP-91 Volcan wouldn't stumble enemies after the first hit stumble.
Fixed an issue with Gun Perk procs that would sometimes cause them to trigger twice (granting 2 stacks of their buff) per proc. They should now only trigger once per proc.
Fixed a bug with timing discrepancies that resulted in players dealing less damage due to a single-frame delay in the firing of some Weapons.
Fixed a bug where ammo limitations were not correctly applied to client players, resulting in client players having a higher ammo capacity than the host.
Fixed a bug where machine gun reticles pulse once the Weapon has reached its max spread reduction.
Perks and Attachments associated with firing burst Weapons will now trigger with their first shot.
Fixed the fire rate display for Burst Weapons, so now the proper fire rate will be displayed.
Guns: M41A3 Burst Rifle: Fixed a bug that caused the 4 star perk to decrease Stability on Hit while in ADS. The 4 star perk now properly increases Stability on Hit while in Aim Down Sight.
Fixed an issue with the Type 99 Incinerator that could cause a progression blocker in The Only Way to Be Sure: Breach mission.


Holstered guns are now visible when switching to a sidearm if the holster slot is not already filled.
Fixed a bug where some doors in the Giants of the Earth and The Gift of Fire campaigns would behave strangely after being opened.
Fixed a bug that caused idle animations to break on the matchmaking screen after changing handgun muzzle Attachments.
Fixed a bug that caused Xenos to appear to fall through the floor after vaulting.


Fixed a bug where a weapon's audio could repeat after a player was stumbled or otherwise incapacitated, until they fired the Weapon again.
Fixed a bug that caused a burst of audio prior to mission start.


Fixed a bug so that Synths now spawn properly in the first encounter of The Only Way to Be Sure: Breach Mission.
Fixed a bug where players could get sent on Missions they didn't have downloaded when playing as a client.


Fixed a bug with the Main Weaponry Only Challenge Card that caused VFX and Audio to go missing until swapping to the sidearm weapon.


Players now receive a message to alert them when a Vulnerability Assessment Drone is already in use by another team member.
Fixed a bug that caused Vulnerability Assessment Drones to sometimes refresh when the timer ran out.


Maintenance Synths now have the appropriate amount of health for each difficulty level.


Made visual improvements to moss textures in the game.


Demolisher: The Fire & Forget Perk now deals increased Area of Effect damage, as expected.
Doc: Fixed a bug where players wouldn't heal if they placed a Suppression or Painkiller Station while it was out of energy, and then refilled it by picking up a med kit.
Doc: Fixed a bug where the buff icon for Trauma, Painkiller, and Suppression Stations sometimes wouldn't appear.
Gunner: The Mobility Perk now properly increases the duration of the Stay on Target Passive Ability.
Gunner: The Short, Controlled Bursts and Let's Rock Perks now properly apply to the first shot of each burst, in addition to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th shots of the burst. Additionally, they now provide non-automatic guns with the benefits stated in the tooltip. Previously, most non-automatic guns were getting no benefit from this Perk.
Recon: The Recon class will no longer be able to fire their weapon when placing a Support Drone, and will need to let go and re-press the input to fire again.
Recon: The Eye On the Prize Perk now provides 15 Combat Rating as expected.
Recon: The Blood Hound Ability will now only display the "No Valid Target" notification for the player that is activating the Ability.
Technician: Fixed an issue with Charged Coils that allowed it to recharge in half the time, and caused the UI recharge timer to become out of sync.
Technician: Fixed a bug where the Charged Coils Ability's Area of Effect would not trigger the Disruptive Technology Perk.
Fixed a bug where some waypoints in Priority One: Rescue would sometimes not appear on the Motion Tracker.
Fixed an issue where there was inconsistency between the distance values of waypoints in the game with what showed on the Motion Tracker.
The center dot no longer turns off when loading into a Mission if the option is enabled.
Enemy outlines are now turned on by default for Standard mode.
Fixed a bug that caused Character Appearance changes to save even after choosing to exit the menu without saving.
The HUD will now indicate which member of the fireteam is holding a Mission item, such as a Power Cell.
Fixed a bug that could prevent a notification from displaying to inform a player when their ammo and Aid Kits capacity is full.
Fixed a bug with hidden caches that sometimes caused the notification to incorrectly repeat the name of the first team member who opened it when subsequent players opened it.
Added a message to Spectator Mode, so that team members know who they are spectating.
Fixed an issue where the Patch Into Network marker was not appearing on the Motion Tracker in the Priority One: Rescue Mission.


Fixed a bug so that the Technician's Charged Coils Ability will no longer stick to Ko in the Endeavor.
Fixed a bug so that Santos stays in the frame during conversations with him on the Endeavor.
Fixed a bug where a Xeno would sometimes get stuck in the ceiling during Wave 9 in Horde Mode.
Fixed a crash that could occur when deploying Doc's Suppression Station Ability while using the Combat Stims Ability and Beneficial Side Effects Perk.
Fixed a bug where players could occasionally interact with Intel they had already obtained.
Fixed a bug where pinging would not work properly when holding a Mission item like a Power Cell.
Fixed a bug on Xbox that could prevent a player from joining a game if the host disconnected from and then re-connected to the Internet after sending out an invite.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the level to unload when spectating another player.
Players now start with Thumbs Up, Point, and No Way emotes equipped by default.
Players can no longer join sessions with players on a different patch or update of the game.
Players can no longer ping for help after getting killed in action.
Field effects created from explosions now properly scale their radius based on Perk Modifiers.
Players must first load into the Endeavor before they can join a queue.
Players can no longer ping while emoting with a controller.
Fixed a crash resulting from switching profiles with Windows Game Pass.
Fixed a crash that could occur when a player tried to spectate another player while near an interactable object.
Maintenance Synths that are in their docking stations will now spawn at the appropriate difficulty level.












Just when I had unlocked everything!

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks


QuoteRuptured Cistern

We know you've been busy thinning the hordes of Xenomorphs in the Cistern, Marines. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed! If you got the limited rewards, you've earned 'em! If you haven't, sadly, your time to collect is over. But that doesn't mean game over. Starting today, the limited time rewards from the Winter Event have been replaced with new permanent rewards. You'll want to boot up and hit the Cisterns again to look for those all new weapon colors, emotes, and a new decal.

Some weapons, attachments, and rewards have been adjusted, and you'll notice those Horde Mode rewards menus are much easier to read.

Like you, we've also been busy killing bugs. Read on for the full report of everything in this patch, and then get back to business, jarheads!


In addition to the below changes to Cosmetic rewards, all Game Mode reward tables have been updated so that they share the same pool of non-cosmetic rewards. This means that all Perks and Attachments that were previously only available in some modes are now available in all modes. All cosmetic rewards are still only available from their unique Game Mode.

The following changes have been made to rewards in the following Game Modes:

    Reworked the Horde Mode reward previews to better clarify possible rewards for each set of 10 waves.
    Horde Mode - Ruptured Cistern: The Winter Event limited rewards have been removed from the Ruptured Cistern Horde Mode (Winter Constellations, Deep Freeze, Stay Frosty, Xeno's Greetings, Let It Snow, Holly Berries, Antarctica Traffic Control, Icicles)

The following rewards have been added to the Ruptured Cistern Horde Mode:

THREE (3) NEW EMOTES - (Intense+)

    Elaborate Bow
    Fist Pump High


    Warped Mesh Assassin
    Warped Mesh Ranger
    Warped Mesh Freelancer

ONE (1) NEW DECAL - (Insane)

    Peace Through Superior Firepower

Game Mode Reward Changes:

    All Modes now share the same reward pool of Attachments and Perks. Previously, some Attachments were only available from Point Defense, some Attachments were only available from Restock Turrets, and some Perks were only available from Likasi Tower. All of these have been pooled together now. All modes now grant access to first tier of Attachment/Perk rewards when completed on Casual or Standard difficulties, unlock access to the second tier of Attachment/Perk rewards when completed on Intense difficulty, unlock access to an additional Universal Perk  on Extreme, and unlock access to the final Universal Perk on Insane difficulty.
    Point Defense Cosmetic Rewards: Rewards that previously only dropped in a specific difficulty tier, will now also drop in higher difficulty tiers. For example, if a reward used to be earned by beating Point Defense on Intense (and only Intense), it will now have a chance to drop in Extreme and Insane difficulties if the reward has not been previously granted.
    Horde Mode - Likasi Tower Cosmetic Rewards: Now has two (2) additional rewards (Weapon Check emote on any difficulty, and Corpsman Up decal on Intense+ difficulties).If you beat a higher difficulty, and haven't received previous tier cosmetic rewards, those can be earned if you have already been granted the rewards associated with the higher difficulty tier.
    Restock Turrets - Tower Cosmetic Rewards: Now has two (2) additional Decals (Little Buddy, Substantial Value) available as rewards at Extreme+ difficulties. Additionally, if you are playing on a higher difficulty and win, and haven't unlocked previous tier cosmetic rewards, those can be earned if you have already received the current tier cosmetic rewards.

Additional Hardcore Game Mode Reward Changes:

    Hardcore: Point Defense - Quake: Attachment and Perk rewards that previously only dropped with a certain number of Points remaining active, will now also drop if additional Points remain active. For example, if an Attachment or Perk reward used to be earned by beating Point Defense in Hardcore Mode, with only 1 Point standing (and only 1 Point), it will now also have a chance to drop with 2 or all 3 points standing. Cosmetic rewards are only accessible if all 3 points remain active .
    Hardcore: Horde Mode - Likasi Tower: Attachment and Perk rewards that previously only dropped at a specific wave threshold, will now also drop if additional wave thresholds are met.  For example, if an Attachment or Perk reward used to be earned by successfully completing 10 waves (and only 10 waves) it will now also have a chance to drop at wave 20+, and Attachment or Perk rewards that used to be earned by successfully completing 20 waves ( and only 20 waves) now also have a chance to drop at wave 30+, and so on. Cosmetic rewards now also drop with similar behavior.


The following updates have been made to Weapons:

    M42A2 Scout Rifle: The 4 Star Perk now properly states that it lasts 5s, not 3s. This is just a text change.
    2B1 Vajra: Now properly refreshes the duration of the 4 star perk when reapplied.
    L56A3 Smartgun: Now has a special "target locking" function while aiming/ADS that prevents the weapon from firing if no valid target is found. This will prevent it from firing if no target is found, or if a friendly target is found on higher difficulties.

The following updates have been made to Weapon Attachments:
NOTE: "Proc" refers to the random chance of bonus effects provided through some Attachments and Perks.

    C34F3 Hamsa Null Compensator: Now also provides +10% Fire Rate.
    Anti-Materiel Brake: Handling and Stability provided by this Attachment increased to +25%, up from +20%.
    Extended Field Brake: Now also provides +15% Accuracy.
    M12E1 Patna LiteMag: Now also provides +10% Handling.
    Stabilizing Magazine: Now provides +10% Stability per stack, up from +8%.
    Expanded Reserves: Proc duration increased to 5s, up from 3s.
    Alignment Module: Now provides +10^ Stability per stack, up from +7%.
    Smooth Bore: Now deals 20% more damage (up from 10%) to enemies that are at or below 20% health (up from 15%).
    Dual Rail Booster: Now always provides +25% Damage vs Armor, instead of proc'ing a stacking Damage vs Armor bonus.
    Servo-Assisted Armature: Now properly grants the stated +5% Movement Speed.
    Bracing Armature: Now properly lists +40% Stability (instead of +15%) in the description of the Standing Still proc. (This is a text only changed)
    Combat Actuator: Now properly states that it grants +4% Stability per stack, instead of +3%. (This is a text only change)
    Hollow Points: The blood proc now deals the same amount of damage over 5s, instead of over 8s. Now stacks up to 3 times.
    T22E4 Sargodha N-HANCE: Slight adjustment to the enemy highlighting while scoped to make enemies more noticeable.
    C36B5 Karachi Overwatch: The slow provided by this attachment now properly interacts with the Technician's Creative Pain Point Solutions perk.
    T24C6 Sylhet Stalker: Now properly highlights targets while in scope view."


    Added a setting that enables players to toggle the 'failed to target' audio of the Smartgun off and on.


    Increased the base damage for AI companion grenades to 4000.


    Emotes no longer work while a character is in cover.


    The Twilight V.4 now has more consistent audio when firing


    The Battlefield Salvage card no longer grants Credits or XP as bonus rewards.
    The Rear Mounted Reloader Challenge Card no longer impacts AI companions.


    DOC: The Field Station Replacer will no longer fill additional trauma stations whenever another Doc with the same perk gets a kill.
    DOC: Doc Rifle Mastery no longer increases Handling for non-Rifle weapons
    GUNNER: Gunner CQW Expertise no longer increases Handling for non-CQW weapons.
    LANCER: The buffs provided by the Muscle Memory Perk now correctly fall off 1 stack at a time instead of completely falling off when the character starts to move.
    LANCER: Lancer Heavy Training now properly displays the increase to Handling in Weapon details.
    LANCER: Lancer CQW Expertise no longer increases Handling for non-CQW weapons
    PHALANX: The Phalanx Handgun Training Perk now correctly affects the Range of Handguns.
    PHALANX: The Vanguard Perk now correctly applies the base 10% Damage Resistance to targets standing behind the Phalanx, in addition to the 10% applied while Shield Up is active.
    RECON: Combined Arms Tactics now correctly grants the buff to nearby allies.
    RECON: Rifle Mastery now properly increases Handling.
    RECON: Recon CQW Expertise no longer increases Handling for non-CQW weapons
    RECON: Rifle Mastery now properly increases Handling.
    RECON: Recon CQW Expertise no longer increases Handling for non-CQW weapons
    TECHNICIAN: CQW Expertise now correctly increases ADS Movement Speed.
    Fixed issues with the Trigger Radius feature for grenades and rockets.
    Fixed an issue with the fit of the Pala Lab Coat around the elbows.
    Fixed an issue on the Masculine characters where certain hats would clip with the character head.


    Fixed some areas in Ruptured Cistern Horde Mode that would sometimes cause a character to get stuck.


    Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur during a level loading.
    Fixed an issue where the Fabrication Reprocessor would sometimes cause a crash if used repeatedly.


    Fixed an issue where some attachment tooltips were displaying incorrect information.
    Fixed an issue where the "Cannot Interact While Taking Damage" message did not always appear correctly for Client players.
    Fixed an issue where viewing another player's profile as they left would sometimes replace their name with your name.
    Fixed an issue where the cursor could disappear on the character select screen.



The support this gets I genuinely think's incredible, we're really lucky to have such dedicated developers.

Slutty Badger

Slutty Badger

All of this sounds great!

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

Tried the new version. The matchmaking is faster. But the first match I got, disconnected at the half way point. So not really fixed there. Trying Extreme and Insane with randoms is still toxic cause of the community with random matchmaking and I've never seen that in Co-op Alien or Predator games before like here. The second match worked, that was nice. All the modes being in the quickplay is great, I'm still shocked that wasn't in from day 1. Didn't play offline, but heard that the bots are finally a lot better, which is nice! I can't believe that perks and attachments are still being patched. That's what you get for going for quantity over quality, a bunch of perks and attachments haven't worked correctly from day one. Yet they're so meaningless that most haven't noticed...

Glad there was a patch for the end of this game. But was kinda disappointed, didn't really sway me to getting back to it. The game with mods is still much much better.   



It's not the last patch.



Maybe I can finally finish Insane with bots (or with one friend and a bot).




bots are still not good enough in higher difficulties

Slutty Badger

Slutty Badger

Quote from: Samhain13 on Oct 26, 2023, 05:35:53 PMbots are still not good enough in higher difficulties


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