Hey everyone, today is the day we were shooting for to get everything we had out the door. While we have a lot that's in great shape, we're not totally ready to release everything that we've got. We want to make sure that what we put out there is the highest quality we can possibly make it. So what we've done is we've decided to stagger our update releases into installments. The first installment has been released
today. They are the
Universal Skins Pack v2 update and our promised three custom multiplayer maps:
Block Fort (deathmatch and coop),
Ice Station Zeto (deathmatch only), and
Alien Trilogy's L111-Entrance (deathmatch and coop). When you see the amount of work that went into the skins pack update, you'll see how much time and energy we're putting in to making these the best that we can.
So what's the plan for the subsequent installment of the update? We're aiming for July 29th, 2024, so about one month away, for the release of our second installment. If we have everything ready, we can release the rest of it all at once, however keep in mind that this is referring to the Universal Map Pack 2.0 update, and then our bug fixes and optimizations to all of the default single-player, multiplayer, and Rebellion custom maps, as well as the editing tools update which will include more modding tool resources such as the Bible 2.0 and fixed/additional stock models. Plus we have other community members who are hard at work on maps that we are either currently helping out or ready to assist. If the rest of our work is not entirely ready by July 29, we will make sure at least one of these update packages is ready and release it then just as we are doing today.
Thanks for your patience and we hope you enjoy the new maps today!