I put in my first couple hours last night, here's some random first impression thoughts.
The Deluxe Edition I spent $30 extra dollars on. Woah boy, what a waste of money, maybe the biggest waste for a "Deluxe Edition" in my experience at least, all for a small handful of cosmetics, some that aren't even noticeable in-game. Enjoy that extra Christmas money Cold Iron!
Music was uneven for me. Some of the moody cuts I liked, some of the faster paced tracks didn't have enough umpf and sometimes distracted me even.
Move your mouths! Sometimes I can live with AI talking without their mouths moving at a minimal basis, but considering you're dependent on having dialogue repeatedly with AI crew to accept missions, purchase upgrades, learn lore, rinse-repeat, the lack of mouth movement feels old generation cheap. Feels like a cost savings measure. And the one guy working on the Power Loader kept moving his mouth, but nothing was coming out!

The game crashed while I was in the queue so I switched it over to bots. And thankfully, the bots played well. Pleasantly surprised with some decent A.I.
Graphics were fine. No where near as good as the overclocked footage on IGN but I'm playing on a PS4 Pro. It's decent graphics for a PS4 Pro. Nothing special, nothing awful.
Fun factor is the best part. It literally often felt like a coin-op arcade game where I'd put an embarrassingly amount of quarters to continue. There's no sense of fear or dread here, it doesn't feel like a correct interpretation of Aliens 'the film' unfortunately. There are some frustrating moments here or there where I feel I should logically be able to jump this or climb that - nope, find another way. But lots of mindless shoot-em-up fun for sure!
Two major concerns ringing in the back of my mind so far:
No Cross Play. This game feels like will live or die by its replayability and that will require friends. And the lengthy way "leveling" occurs here, I don't believe a great many will want to start from scratch again just so they can play on other friends' platforms, if they even have that option.
25 Minutes to Spare. I had 25 minutes to spare before I had to hit the pillow for work last night and I couldn't start another mission because I feared it wouldn't be enough time - its not like I could save my progress- so I moved to an entirely different game. It's not a great aspect. If these missions can run 30-45 minutes, I wonder how many random real-player Fireteams are going to experience someone cutting and running because dinner is ready, or mom is calling, or this or that. We'll see.