NOSTROMO CREW Replica Clothing & Props

Started by Mike’s Monsters, Jun 29, 2024, 08:20:23 PM

NOSTROMO CREW Replica Clothing & Props (Read 428 times)

Mike’s Monsters

Hey all!

Recently, I had the opportunity to photograph this incredible screen-accurate Nostromo hat replica from the extremely talented Adam Ezekiel of NOSTROMO CREW, just like the one Harry Dean Stanton wore as Brett in ALIEN. I'm thrilled to have captured the beautiful work he's done!

Adam has gone to great lengths to ensure screen accuracy. The bullion metal oak leaves on the bill of the hat, instead of the typical embroidered style, are a testament to his attention to detail. The quality is top-notch.

I highly recommend this hat and other pieces from NOSTROMO CREW for anyone wanting screen-accurate pieces in their ALIEN collection. You can order from their website, which also features many other pieces inspired by the film.

Enjoy the photos I snapped of the hat!


I always love it the jacket that Dallas wears in the movie and I wanted one like this. It's a shame that the price it's out of range for me 😅

Corporal Hicks

Absolutely fantastic pictures, Mikey. These look fantastic!! I'm priced out of the Dallas replica too, but that also looks amazing. He's a very talented fella!

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