New Marvel Double-Sized Comic Coming in October, Alien Annual #1

Started by RidgeTop, Jul 19, 2023, 05:54:04 PM

New Marvel Double-Sized Comic Coming in October, Alien Annual #1 (Read 19,822 times)



"Alien vs. Alien: Pity the Xeno! A Xenomorph queen and her hive descend on a dark world. As always, they're eager to eliminate any species they encounter and stand poised to overrun this planet like they have so many others. Until the native life fights back..."


Interesting... I thought this would be "annual #2"


Honestly Tawn is Bad, human's face is cartoonish even if the aliens are really great (color kill them, black and white is so much better) and story isn't interesting at all.

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Engineer on Jul 19, 2023, 06:38:36 PMInteresting... I thought this would be "annual #2"

I think annuals are always branded as #1s. Wonky system, for sure, but it seems to be the one in place.


Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Jul 19, 2023, 07:45:40 PM
Quote from: Engineer on Jul 19, 2023, 06:38:36 PMInteresting... I thought this would be "annual #2"

I think annuals are always branded as #1s. Wonky system, for sure, but it seems to be the one in place.
I have an old spider man annual numbered as #27...
But maybe they've changed things up in the last decade or two...


I don't know, I never was big on Xenon vs. Xenos fights. It just doesn't match for me that perfect organisms that are supposed to be masters in preventing species' survival would be killing each other. Plus rivalization within species is something normal in nature and for me more alien and creepy is concept that XX121s are all connected somehow by maybe Queen Mother or other super hive Mind and will always cooperate with each other. I have no problem with XX121s fighting with pathogen Creatures or bio-enginered Xenomorphs, but I really don't like those hive wars and Xenos Fighting with Xenos that came from different hosts. That said, I'm enjoying Shalvey's ongoing run so far, and even with me not liking a concept, Genocide was fun read, so I'll give it a go.

Corporal Hicks

This seems to say that the Aliens from Thaw are something different which hasn't been the vibe I've been getting reading the series. I still need to dig into #4 though, so maybe there's something in there.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jul 21, 2023, 07:51:52 AMThis seems to say that the Aliens from Thaw are something different which hasn't been the vibe I've been getting reading the series. I still need to dig into #4 though, so maybe there's something in there.
Well, the 2 Xenos that were born in the issue were definitely different for some reason, although I haven't seen a reason for that yet.


Quote from: Sabres21768 on Jul 25, 2023, 11:57:33 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jul 21, 2023, 07:51:52 AMThis seems to say that the Aliens from Thaw are something different which hasn't been the vibe I've been getting reading the series. I still need to dig into #4 though, so maybe there's something in there.
Well, the 2 Xenos that were born in the issue were definitely different for some reason, although I haven't seen a reason for that yet.

They look more adapted for aquatic environments (I.e., a fin instead of a blade for the tip of the tail).

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Despite how much I loved the looks of some of the previews, this one didn't work for me. Wasn't a fan of the art in this. The native creatures looked far too large for what the story was trying to accomplish which seemed to imply to me
that they were actually infected by some Huggers being eaten???

I like the concept of the conflict between the 2 different breeds, so to speak. Not quite Genocide in the way that depicted as 2 different whole strains, but there's precedence for violence between different Aliens from different hosts in AvPR.


I did not like this comic. It looked amaturish.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Oct 06, 2023, 07:21:49 AMthere's precedence for violence between different Aliens from different hosts in AvPR.
The PredAlien whacks an Alien aside to impregnate the homeless woman, but otherwise the human Aliens spend the film protecting the PredAlien because it's a juvenile Queen/fertile from Predators/whatever the hell someone thought of when asked.

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