Alien ripoffs and requels

Started by hawkangel, Aug 26, 2016, 09:30:22 AM

Alien ripoffs and requels (Read 114,045 times)



Quote from: Local Trouble on Sep 01, 2016, 12:01:55 AM
This was always one of my favorite rip-offs.
That was the longest 2 minutes ever. Thank you! ;)

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

I don't recall the movie being as campy as the trailer implied, but I was a stupid teenager when I saw it so maybe I just had lower standards back then.



Movies physically change as they get older.  They grow warts and funny hair styles. They mutate and change while you don't watch them.  They become something else other than what they once were. 

I can testify to this because, your memory - like mine - is infallible... and what's more, how can we both be wrong? 

The truth is, movies mutate over time.  They change while we aren't watching until they emerge, pretending that the viewer has changed; and yet so many people will say "I remember this movie differently."

How can so many people be so wrong?  I tell you, it's the movies that change.  Movies will modify themselves over the years, wear funny clothes and mutate into something ugly.  They shift their content, ambience and political sensibilities while you are not looking. 

It's the only explanation when everyone is wowed by such cinematic spectacles 20 years ago and today these same spectacles have become laughable in everyone's eyes.

Don't trust movies, I tell you.  They will stab you in the back one day.  lol.


Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Despite its numerous flaws, Alien 3 doesn't seem dated to me.  The puppetry effects were always awful, but it's otherwise still a beautiful film to look at and shaved heads never go out of style.

In fact, I think it's aged better than Aliens has.



Of all the movies, 'ALIEN 3' has actually aged the best.  It's got a lot to do with great art direction and very little present in the way of the depiction of technology - which is right up front in all the other movies. 

As for the dodgy lighting on the puppets that don't match the backgrounds they are composited onto, there's nothing there that can't be addressed with today's digital technology.  Which is a kind of irony, actually.




I think all 3 films have aged really well compared to other films that came out in those years.



Quote from: Local Trouble on Sep 01, 2016, 12:01:55 AM

This looks like a real movie. Not like the shit that's out today.



Quote from: 426Buddy on Sep 01, 2016, 12:25:40 PM
I think all 3 films have aged really well compared to other films that came out in those years.

In this regard, yes, that's true. 




Alien Resurrection too I guess, as much as I dislike that film, it has some really nice cinematography. The cgi aliens were dated looking upon release though lol.



...also known as 'Deadly Spawn 2'...

"Metamorphosis: The Alien Factor is the unofficial sequel to the obscure low budget 80's gore fest known as The Deadly Spawn. The Deadly Spawn was an extremely low budget indie horror film that was made by a bunch of very talented creative people who one day decided to get together and do a horror movie on their own; with their friends and collegues as actors. They shot the film with their own money, during the weekends. Basically, The Deadly Spawn is what happens when a bunch of sci-fi/horror fans get together to do a  film about what they love, monsters! To its credit, I will say that even though The Deadly Spawn was a low budget affair, and technically it does have its faults, it's a very creative film, and I applaud those guys for having made such a cool little film with so little. Ted A. Bohus was the producer of that project, which I consider a gem of indie horror, I mean, this film is indy horror in the truest sense. After their first film venture (which surfaced on VHS during the 80s) they decided to try and do the sequel. Thing is that even though this "sequel" plays with the same premise of aliens coming down to earth to munch on humans,  this second film is completely unrelated to the first one story wise. Ted A. Bohus originally intended to do a straight sequel, but ended up doing this slightly more ambitious (but still well within b-movie territory) sequel. It was made with a bit more money then their first film. What was the result? "



Man...all these 80's and 90's movies are depressing me..I beg you to stop them please  :-\



Are you kidding??? Keep em coming folks! :D



Thank you for the info on Metamorphosis, that film scared the sheet out of me when I was a lil kid. I would love to see it again, wonder if its on DVD.



Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Sep 01, 2016, 02:16:39 PM
Are you kidding??? Keep em coming folks! :D

No more G-D Dammit  ;D  ;D But yea, you guys are really pros at finding these obsucre Alien movies, I thought I had scratced the bottom of the barrel looking for Sci-Fi horrors, you guys are at another level lol.

PS> Anyone know where or what the heck this Panda is from? I just fkin find it too damn hilarious.



Quote from: Nostromo on Sep 01, 2016, 02:28:05 PM
PS> Anyone know where or what the heck this Panda is from? I just fkin find it too damn hilarious. Can you image working and this thing comes up to you knocking down your flour like that. lol.

Never say no to Panda:

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