Movies physically change as they get older. They grow warts and funny hair styles. They mutate and change while you don't watch them. They become something else other than what they once were.
I can testify to this because, your memory - like mine - is infallible... and what's more, how can we both be wrong?
The truth is, movies mutate over time. They change while we aren't watching until they emerge, pretending that the viewer has changed; and yet so many people will say "I remember this movie differently."
How can so many people be so wrong? I tell you, it's the movies that change. Movies will modify themselves over the years, wear funny clothes and mutate into something ugly. They shift their content, ambience and political sensibilities while you are not looking.
It's the only explanation when everyone is wowed by such cinematic spectacles 20 years ago and today these same spectacles have become laughable in everyone's eyes.
Don't trust movies, I tell you. They will stab you in the back one day. lol.