The Alien Minute Podcast - Dissecting Alien One Minute At a Time

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 10, 2016, 12:07:25 PM

The Alien Minute Podcast - Dissecting Alien One Minute At a Time (Read 27,029 times)

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Russ840 on Apr 13, 2017, 08:53:21 PM
What's up next from AVP Galaxy ?

Got another long one coming up. 2 hours and 45 minutes on William Gibson's Alien 3. I've got another half hour left to listen to. I'm aiming to get it finishing on Tuesday after the bank holiday weekend.


Ahh awesome dude. Can't wait. Remind me, is that the wooden planet one or the one with Hicks on a space station with mutating aliens ?

Thank for letting us know.

Corporal Hicks



That'll be interesting. I'm less familiar with that script...


If I remember correctly, it has some elements that would fit with Prometheus quite well.


Is that so? I'd ask you to elaborate, but that might deviate too far from the original topic! Lol

Anyway, while off topic, my favorite AvPG podcast so far was the one about the original (or at least an earlier) version of the Prometheus script, titled "Alien: engineers." That story made so much more sense and sounded very good! I'm hoping alien covenant will be more like THAT script and ditch most of the Prometheus jargon... covenant looks to be going that route for the most part, but to be honest, I'm not a fan of the spore infection we saw in the trailers... I'm trying to keep an open mind though...


Have you read the script for Alien: Engineers? 


No, just listened to the podcast from AvPG. I recently joined the weyland-yutani bulletin though, and found a PDF copy uploaded there. I downloaded it to the iBooks app on my phone. Maybe I'll get around to reading it someday... :-)


I'm quiet sure that there is a section here that has loads of unused scripts to download.


I believe you're right, but last time I checked that section of the site was pre-Prometheus. Lol


It's there at the bottom dude.

Bit late now though right lol.

Corporal Hicks



Just beat you to that, Hicks.

Also, I have listened to minutes 1 & 2. Loving it. Great insight to the cast and there priors in this first 2 mins.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Russ840 on Apr 15, 2017, 04:23:43 PM
Just beat you to that, Hicks.

There's an extra one (and all the other films) on that downloads page.  :)

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