Terhou, of course it was boring. This featurette was meant to be informative, not another action packed trailer. What I did like about it was how we all got to see even more conceptual art. I do agree with a lot of you in the fact that no matter how well this movie turns out it will never beat the classics ( Alien, Aliens and Predator ), but I have a respect for Paul Anderson that goes deeper than anyone here can fathom, due to the fact that he's doing his darndst to try and recreate the feel of those three blockbuster hit movies. The whole claustrophobic feel from Alien is what this whole Pyramid environment is trying to recreate, give a hand to Paul for this ingenius idea. Also, who cares if the Aliens do look a bit like the AR aliens, hell at least they're black this time instead of green and brown
. Also, someone was really critical of how the Predators have only one distinction, their helmets and hated the fact that their body armor was designed the same. Quit trying to pull things out of your arse, that was the dumbest thing so far that's been insulted about this movie. Its a freaking coming of age hunt, I doubt the Preds could care less about how pretty they look, when they're praying to God that they just make it out alive. It'd be like softball girls dressing up for Prom just before a championship game. Now, for this coming of age ritual, listen up, when they go in there, they're 'nobodys', they're all considered equals on a level playing field 'not one being better than the other' until they kill an Alien, once they're blooded then they can worry about going home to start designing their own custom hunting armor, but until they succeed hell they're gonna throw on as much armor as possible, not giving a crap of how similar they look to their comrades. Also, I know that ever since the Xtreme Desktop for AvP was released that Paul Anderson has answered a first round of questions. If anyone asked him something and got a response, please post your question and PA's response as soon as possible. I'd also like to add, does anyone have a clue yet as to a decisive rating on this movie, it just keeps bouncing around from R back to PG - 13 then back to R. Well my fellow AvP fanatics, I take my leave, and I leave you with one simple fact "AvP Will Be Great!"