Hahaha, you are great Bringer of Death, but you are right too. I like the first three Star Wars Episodes. I mean Star Wars, Empire..and Return..that should be clear. The "new" Episodes suck in anyway. Bad Effects, and horrible Actors. I think the young Anakin in Attack of the Clowns ...ehm..Clones, look like a gay Boygroupmember. You also on the right way with the deadliest Badass in Space. Thats realy a matter of the Situation but from the hostile Point, the Alien make the Race. Look, a Pred dont care about weak or maybe ill Persons. He dont Kill Children or impregnated Woman. So if you gonna meet a Pred with no weapons, he will kick you away because thats no chalenge for him. An Alien dont give a f**k abaout that all. It kills everything, no matter how old or something. And it would never Team up with Humans ;-) because its to simple in its existence. Killing and Breeding thats all. A Pred can choose the Way of his hunt. But an Alien is like a programmed Weapon. And that is the Reason for me to say the Alien is by far more dangerous as a Pred. Its not bcause iam Alienfan some of my Predloverfriends think in the same way. No one must agree with me in this point. Its my opinion but i think its a very logical one.