Black Metal

Started by ManiacButcher, Mar 03, 2010, 11:00:59 PM

Black Metal (Read 28,109 times)



Mgla is top tier tbh

Baron Von Marlon

Baron Von Marlon

For unknown reasons I only have and listen to this black metal album.
Was a little into the genre when I was younger but this is the only one that stuck with me.

Artwork is by Kristian Wåhlin who did (and is still doing) many other album covers for metal bands. I love his style.



Quote from: Baron Von Marlon on Jul 17, 2019, 03:39:31 AM
For unknown reasons I only have and listen to this black metal album.
Was a little into the genre when I was younger but this is the only one that stuck with me.

Artwork is by Kristian Wåhlin who did (and is still doing) many other album covers for metal bands. I love his style.

Yep, that's a classic album alright. So many ripping tracks. Always preferred this one to Storm of the lights bane, although nights blood & unhallowed are pretty fkn killer tunes.

Nightside Eclipse cover art is amaze-balls! Got the LP and detail is incredible when compared to my old CD copy.



Picked up these Vinyls recently. Both are Aussie Bands. Highly Recommended!

Temple Nightside - The Hecatomb

Erebus Enthroned - Temple under Hell



Anyone know the band Esoctrilihum ? They are quite good imo.

I liked the last Pissgrave album.

Blackened Thrash is another favourite metal subgenre of mine. Older Skeletonwitch albums, Sabbat (not Black Sabbath, although I do enjoy Black Sabbath), Toxic Holocaust, Absu, Aura Noir, etc.



Currently listening to these guys. They're pretty great.

Thaaat ending.  T_TT

Cosmic Incubation

Cosmic Incubation

Newer poster here
Big fan of both black metal and AVP
Was drawn to this band called Xenomorph (for obvious reasons lol) and was really impressed with this debut full length!







Cosmic Incubation

Cosmic Incubation

One of my favorite recent albums

Might be a little too soft around the edges for some black metal purists.

But I think this album really illustrates how beautiful black metal can be.

Cosmic Incubation

Cosmic Incubation


Departure Chandelier - Life Escaping Through the Candle's Smoke

Some nice raw black metal with surprisingly good and catchy synths




Cosmic Incubation

Cosmic Incubation




Got big into this shit during covid lockdowns lmao



Little Joey- is a midwestern rot take on black metal:

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