^I'm currently watching the movie again. I'll edit my review this time.
I'll be reviewing AVP:R.
Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem
"Final Part of the Sequel. One Vs. More."
Visual-Fx: (84%)
= In viewing the movie clearly, I noticed that the scout ship size and characteristics has changed. As for the Wolf/Predator it's body isn't muscular than the other Predators in the last AVP movie, the only cool thing about the Wolf is it's new Dual-Plasma Cannon and improved Wrist-Blades. With the Wolf's new visions, the Specimen-Track Vision is cool and not irritating in the eye than in AVP. Then, the Xenomorphs (Aliens), their body became quite flexible and has a new improved face. The Pred-Alien, hybrid of the Xenomorphs, have some problems in it's effects, the V-fx of the Pred-Alien is quite overused, or even too overused, it's body is not really in a great and attractive side, but in the unattractive side. Lastly, the Facehugger's new V-fx has really attracted me. The movie is good in its Visual Fx.
Sound-Fx: (81%)
= The S-fx in this movie is..... Good enough. The Dual-Plasma Cannon's fire and explosion effects are not good enough for me. With the original voice-fx of the Predator is there and that's good to hear. Xenormorphs s-fx is good too, using its old S-fx from the original movie is great than changing it's S-fx. 2 Words: Good-Enough.
P.S.: BLOW ME AWAY by Breaking Benjamin maybe the official song for the movie, rumors said it.
Storyline: (89%)
= In continuing the AVP sequel really got me hyped, because of it's new character, the Pred-Alien, will be shown in AVP:R. The story really continues the last part of AVP. The story is placed in Gunnison, Colorado (WARNING! Spoilers maybe ahead!) And the part of the Predator's planet will be shown also. With the Predator's great warrior and the hybrid of the Xenomorphs, the Pred-Alien, face each other one last time. And the new president of Weyland Industries, Ms. Yutani, will be shown in this movie also. The company's name is changed to Weyland-Yutani. If you already saw ALIEN, then you have already noticed the name. This is when the Alien franchise is next.
Violent-Factor: (71%)
=Much blood is spilled in this movie. This isn't a movie for kids.
Overall: (81.25%)
=The AVP, Alien, and Predator franchise is complete, so it's cool. The movie is good for all who sees it.