I the newest Alien movie we see one of the Alien monsters emerging from a coccon after it has been born as a Chestburster.
Now imagine if the Alien monsters were real and they had this lifecycle, would you stay and watch when the Alien monster partly emerged from the cocoon and even maybe film it a little or would you run like hell?
In both case scenarories there is an door you could escape through. I,m thinking that as only the head and the upper part of the Alien momster is out from the cocoon it wouldnt be able to hurt an bystander. As soon as it has gotten out so much that it can whip its tail at you, then it could be dangerous but of course that also depends on how close you are to the cocoon.
To stay until the Alien is on the floor would be too dangerous.
For me i think i would stay and watch some of it but not all. When the half of the Alien monsters body is out from the cocoon i would be out of the room.
So, would you stay for a while or not?