*spoiler i guess* Why does everyone say that Scar and Lex "team up"? You guys make it sound like they joined forces and went out looking for action. It pretty damn obvious that Scar realized that this is an innocent person, who has also proved herself by killing an alien, and that if he leaves her alone she will certainly die. He felt an obligation to protect her. They never went out searching for aliens to kill, they were getting the hell out of there. AVP was nearly everything I wanted it to a be. A little longer and a little bloodier is even better, but even without that I was incredibly happy with it. To people accusing those who enjoyed it of just being kids and not being real fans: My parents saw Alien in theatres in 79 and have seen all of them in theatres since. They raised me on those films, though I found predator myself. Both of my parents loved AVP, so shut up pease. It was fun, and that's all it needed to be. I've seen it 3 times so far, all 3 times the audience had applauded the movie and cheered the fight scenes.