New International Predators Posters

Started by Darkness, May 19, 2010, 07:55:39 PM

New International Predators Posters (Read 13,829 times)

aussie_ predator

aussie_ predator






Lol...the one on the left is a bit putting me off... its like the Predator behind wants to rape Brody......  :-X



Looks sick



I rather like both. I do hope they did an okay job with the movie. :-X  All the recent A/P action has me giddy  ;D  (meaning AVP3 and the new Predator movie).

sir whinealotz

sir whinealotz

"omg these poster are sooo awesum, they are the greatest thing since the wheel was invented"  ::)  @Neilsonshire1982

These look just as crappy as all the previews, pictures, trailers and general information released. Looks just as bad as avp 2 or worse.

Lar'ja Thwei

Woah..the trailers are amazing, but uh..yeah these posters blow, same kinda shit you see with any other movie. They need somthing new, hopfully there will be more, better ones. Oh and, no movie could be worse than AVP R..



My biggest problem with these posters ... is that they show the Predator!! The original and famous Predator movie poster for the original film showed an eerie infrared targeting reticle over Arnold. It did not show the Predator at all, and made the suspense and unveiling of the Predator during the film that much better. I know a lot of people have seen the original film and know what to expect, but for those newcomers, showing the enemy straight off the bat in the poster is kind of spoiling. I vote for a poster similar to the original, somehow from the perspectives of multiple Predators as they close in for the kill (or something). That would be cool imo.

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