New Alien First Person Shooter in development @ Cold Iron Studios

Started by Moosh89, Jan 17, 2018, 05:20:48 PM

New Alien First Person Shooter in development @ Cold Iron Studios (Read 189,597 times)


If the Engineers/Jockeys are a thing in this game, I really hope they are just outright brutal to deal with. Maybe an Instanced Boss battle with one while dealing with Xenos and security systems?


Just shoot them in their ugly bald head. 


Quote from: Kimarhi on Dec 02, 2019, 10:11:02 PM
Just shoot them in their ugly bald head.

I doubt it'll be that simple. It'll probably be bullet sponge styled combat which means you can't just shoot it in the head then walk off as you can in a MilSim or TacOp styled game.  Think about. An MMOFPS. If all you need to do was one or double-tap enemies in the face your player base would just blow through every shred of content way too fast, there'd be no real challenge and it would get dull quickly. 

Now it could work to an extent if they made enemies as deadly as players or far more deadly (A human would turn into pink mist if shot by an Engineers rifle at center mass, or would just rip your arm off if shot in the bicep). But then comes the other issue of general consumers not wanting to play because "Too hard". I'm an advocate of the "Git Gud" gameplay style, but that's way too niche to be profitable in a game where the enemies can just rip players apart instantly (See why people typically give up trying to do the ARMA3 Campaign Mode, AI being as hard or harder than players drives people away from that. The only thing that keeps ARMA3 going is the vast online modding community and "units").

I suspect it'll be a lot like Destiny with TTK (Time To Kill) mechanics which would allow headshots to always count as criticals and allow every player in a team to get at least a magazine or two shot off into a tough-ish enemy while leaving fodder enemies to be killed in a few shots, and bosses requiring a whole team to take down if done right..

The Old One

The Old One

Ugh, stop reminding me that this is set to be an MMO, I really don't think including living Engineers is a good idea, or any sentient "alien" species.


Quote from: Fiendishly Inventive on Dec 08, 2019, 07:59:04 PM
Ugh, stop reminding me that this is set to be an MMO, I really don't think including living Engineers is a good idea, or any sentient "alien" species.

OnLiNe ExPeRiEnCe

The Old One

The Old One

A "live service" -ugh.


Quote from: Fiendishly Inventive on Dec 15, 2019, 11:18:13 PM
A "live service" -ugh.

Sorry for reminding you of that. But it being such is why I'm gonna wait a bit to see if it'll even kick off or be worth a damn. If they go the Warframe Model (Free To Play+Free Expansions+FreeUpdates with Cosmetics and TimeSavers as the MTX) they "MAY" have a chance. But I highly doubt it.

On the subject of the Engineers. Honestly, while I am against having sentient humanoid aliens, if all we have is wave after wave of xenomorphs in typical MMOFPS fashion, it'll get dull faster than a huntsmans axe bought at Wal-mart. They will need more than the Xenomorphs, or a f**kload of variants. They will also need many world spaces and tilesets to keep things interesting as well to accommodate. 

If this was a normal SP/COOP game, Xenomorphs only with OG/Cov variants would work perfectly (As long as the storytelling is good), but since this is some sort of MMO, that wouldn't work long term financially. I'm calling it again, it's gonna either be a FO76, A Warframe, or a SWTOR. And I expect it to go 76 mode.

The Old One

The Old One

If the variation is done with Neomorphs, but treated like Dead Space's Necromorphs, that's more acceptable with them being more unique in behaviour than appearance, coming from human hosts and unique versions coming from animal life. With the very odd Deacon and Abomination.

Then you put in the Covenant "Praetomorph" version, the original Alien/Isolation "Soldier" version in, the Aliens "Hive Soldier" version, the Alien³ animal born "Scout" and probably then a "Hive Scout" version exists. That's without getting into the possibility of "Royal Castes" that start to exist when a hive gets large enough, when the remaining Praetorians become, Carriers, Ravagers, Crushers or Weavers.

I think that's plenty.


Quote from: Schrödinger on Dec 16, 2019, 01:54:20 AM

If they go the Warframe Model (Free To Play+Free Expansions+FreeUpdates with Cosmetics and TimeSavers as the MTX) they "MAY" have a chance. But I highly doubt it.

Just speaking for myself, that model alone is enough to kill all interest on my end. Eg; If you sell timesavers it means parts of the game are only there as timewasters so you can pay to skip them. Not to mention all the other associated bullshit and nonsense.

QuoteOn the subject of the Engineers. Honestly, while I am against having sentient humanoid aliens, if all we have is wave after wave of xenomorphs in typical MMOFPS fashion, it'll get dull faster than a huntsmans axe bought at Wal-mart. They will need more than the Xenomorphs, or a f**kload of variants. They will also need many world spaces and tilesets to keep things interesting as well to accommodate.

As far as the general market goes, I unfortunately think you're right.

QuoteIf this was a normal SP/COOP game, Xenomorphs only with OG/Cov variants would work perfectly (As long as the storytelling is good), but since this is some sort of MMO, that wouldn't work long term financially. I'm calling it again, it's gonna either be a FO76, A Warframe, or a SWTOR. And I expect it to go 76 mode.

Why the f**k is it even an MMO? People want a videogame, not a broken and transaction fueled live "service".

The Old One

The Old One

Yes, correct, I really don't understand the appeal.


As they have not revealed anything about the game yet, I wonder if it will end up on current gen of consoles or the next one beside PC.


I don't get the appeal when it comes to certain mechanics in MMOs/F2PMMOs either, but then again I'm not a spoiled CEO or Publisher Lead. The only reason I play Warframe is that there's always more shit to do while my fabricator does the thing, Don't have to pay to keep playing. I don't buy timesavers in that game due to that.   But for other F2P games I don't really get into too much since the timesavers "WallBlock" you from doing anything else which is honestly a really shitty tactic (IE: THat Mobile Harry Potter game where you could no longer progress without paying for more "Energy" or waiting a longass time, you're locked out of other gameplay unless you pay or wait. That's a shit tactic). 

I also doubt it'll be a F2P game. Middle case, standard subscription base and cosmetic only MTXs like SWTOR. Worst case FO76 style where you pay 60$, and either pay for a subscription to get more stuff over other players, or be handicapped.  Best Case would be the Warframe Model since we are talking MMO Business Tactics and that one has been to most consumer-friendly overall in comparison to others.  I get it, you gotta keep paying for servers, developers, bills, etc to maintain your Online Game on the market, nothing can be 100% free and pay your bills.  Who know's maybe Cold Iron will create a new model that breaks ground and blows all the others out of the water when it comes to maintaining their game and finances.

But that is what it is. I really hope for a singleplayer Aliens game one-day again. I will give this game a chance to see if it will be worth playing, but by that I mean I'll be waiting a month or more and watching every little non-biased review I can find.

I'm still expecting it to end up as a FO76 type of situation. And typically I'm right, but I really hope I'm wrong.  If not, hey, at least I'll save money.


I haven't been here in a bit, but I'm curious how long has this game been in development?? They haven't release anything at all!!!

The Old One

The Old One

Nothing as of yet.


Quote from: Richman678 on Dec 26, 2019, 03:50:29 AM
I haven't been here in a bit, but I'm curious how long has this game been in development?? They haven't release anything at all!!!

I don't think we will be hearing anything for a while. They may be trying the CDPR development approach (Where it's mostly silence and working). It also looks like they are still hiring for positions as well, albeit fillers. My guess is they are still in the early development cycle which can last a few years depending on many variables. That's only a guess though, I don't know. But it makes sense to me.

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