I don't get the appeal when it comes to certain mechanics in MMOs/F2PMMOs either, but then again I'm not a spoiled CEO or Publisher Lead. The only reason I play Warframe is that there's always more shit to do while my fabricator does the thing, Don't have to pay to keep playing. I don't buy timesavers in that game due to that. But for other F2P games I don't really get into too much since the timesavers "WallBlock" you from doing anything else which is honestly a really shitty tactic (IE: THat Mobile Harry Potter game where you could no longer progress without paying for more "Energy" or waiting a longass time, you're locked out of other gameplay unless you pay or wait. That's a shit tactic).
I also doubt it'll be a F2P game. Middle case, standard subscription base and cosmetic only MTXs like SWTOR. Worst case FO76 style where you pay 60$, and either pay for a subscription to get more stuff over other players, or be handicapped. Best Case would be the Warframe Model since we are talking MMO Business Tactics and that one has been to most consumer-friendly overall in comparison to others. I get it, you gotta keep paying for servers, developers, bills, etc to maintain your Online Game on the market, nothing can be 100% free and pay your bills. Who know's maybe Cold Iron will create a new model that breaks ground and blows all the others out of the water when it comes to maintaining their game and finances.
But that is what it is. I really hope for a singleplayer Aliens game one-day again. I will give this game a chance to see if it will be worth playing, but by that I mean I'll be waiting a month or more and watching every little non-biased review I can find.
I'm still expecting it to end up as a FO76 type of situation. And typically I'm right, but I really hope I'm wrong. If not, hey, at least I'll save money.