Prey Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, Jul 21, 2022, 03:59:26 PM

What did you think of Prey?

Loved it. (5/5)
86 (42.4%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
70 (34.5%)
It was okay. (3/5)
22 (10.8%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
8 (3.9%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
10 (4.9%)
Hated it! (0/5)
7 (3.4%)

Total Members Voted: 201

Prey Fan Reviews (Read 193,249 times)



Quote from: [cancerblack] on Sep 14, 2022, 12:39:11 PMI think Alien is inherently edgy enough that you could do a "final girl gets an Isolation killed" right at the last minute and pull it off if it was done right,

Nah, even David was too much for me. The Alien films aren't about everyone being miserable and then dying/losing any more than Predator movies are. Final girl getting an isolation kill is exactly the kind of empty, "f**k you" ending I'd dread.



I can almost guarantee that will be Fede Alvarez's contribution to Alien. Just ugh.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

And I'm just here loving that. But it's not so much about the Alien winning, so much as Alien just seems on the whole a more bleaker and "realistic" world (Aliens aside, and I suppose Resurrection's ending). But that's a discussion for another thread, I think, if someone wants to start that to continue.



I am all for that idea when it is given a counterbalance. AlienĀ³ for example repeatedly puts Ripley through the meat grinder. But they win in the end, they never give up and just let the monster win. Because it champions hope and redemption even in the dreadful world we live in.

That story really resonates with me, so does Naru's and Prey's story. I do not want empty misery porn which I fear Fede Alvarez will create.



Quote from: DaddyYautja on Sep 14, 2022, 05:46:01 AM
Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Sep 12, 2022, 04:21:17 PMThe Star+ subtitles like describing lots of sound effects haha

 Also, I'll debunk another final fight nitpick, the arm loss, y'all love saying Feral is just dumb, or forgot how his shield worked and accidentally cut his arm off, that's not what happened.
 Naru made him pull up his shield and then directed it at his arm as it was closing, cutting it off.

How is a girl overpowering a pred? That's the issue. She overpowers him several times in this fight. Even win an injured arm I don't think she is that strong and the pred that dumb not to compensate.
She never once overpowers him, she either uses his own force/weight against him or gets the drop on him.



Didn't like Predator design.
As an American native film kinda Disney cute. Scenery was beautiful that was the star. Also .. the cgi with Predator red glow thing, cheap as chips cgi.

Least favourite Predator related film.

Top three?
Predator 2
Predators ( underrated)
AVP requiem ( first 20 minutes good)
The Predator ( couple of good scenes)
The Prey ( again stunning scenery) let down with terrible Predator design skinny dude in costume.. horrendous face mask design.

Rush Hour Rambo

Rush Hour Rambo

Quote from: Mike's Monsters on Aug 06, 2022, 10:36:17 PM
Quote from: Rush Hour Rambo on Aug 06, 2022, 10:08:48 PMIt was what I expected, a female right of passge movie in a male dominated society with evil white men and a predator thrown in. Thats the times we live in.

Not bad but not good. It entertained me well enough though. I thought the cgi wasn't great.

It wasn't a female right of passage, just a human right of passage. Replace Naru with a young male and you can have the exact same movie. It's not that she's a woman that have people in her tribe telling her she can't hunt.

You've reminded me why I hardly bother with this site. Literally your own opinion, which everyone is welcome to have, Is never right.

It was one to me, seeing as she was actually female.



Quote from: Rush Hour Rambo on Feb 14, 2023, 03:28:54 AM
Quote from: Mike's Monsters on Aug 06, 2022, 10:36:17 PM
Quote from: Rush Hour Rambo on Aug 06, 2022, 10:08:48 PMIt was what I expected, a female right of passge movie in a male dominated society with evil white men and a predator thrown in. Thats the times we live in.

Not bad but not good. It entertained me well enough though. I thought the cgi wasn't great.

It wasn't a female right of passage, just a human right of passage. Replace Naru with a young male and you can have the exact same movie. It's not that she's a woman that have people in her tribe telling her she can't hunt.

You've reminded me why I hardly bother with this site. Literally your own opinion, which everyone is welcome to have, Is never right.

It was one to me, seeing as she was actually female.
His opinion is literally factual






I wasn't buying hulu just to watch this one f**kin movie, so I had to wait for it on Bluray.  Better than I thought it would be, even though the idea had been done fairly similarly in a DH comic from what I can remember.  Still decent.  Much better than any pred movies since 2.  I only disliked the feral pred design because (I suppose it could be intentional) it looks like the crazy preds from Predators, which look like the OG Preds on meth.  AKA dogshit. 



Watches this with my Mum the other night, really enjoyed it and thinks Amber Midthunder could be Predator's Sigourney Weaver equivalent, thought the little girl looking at Naru at the end's a very cute moment.

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