Pro's and Con's of Predator 2

Started by Predator Eldar, Mar 21, 2007, 07:44:33 AM

Pro's and Con's of Predator 2 (Read 8,720 times)

Predator Eldar

What I loved about Predator 2 was you got to see much more of our ugly crab-like friend.
Then again it didn't have Arnie who was a huge part of the first movie's success.
Hmmm, did it live up to the original you tell me.



I don't think any film would have lived up to the original.

But regardless, I loved the second one too. Lots of nice things in it. Better visual/special effects as well. New weapons. Shot of the alien skull.

War Wager

War Wager

Yeah I liked the second movie to and I prefed the predators helmet, armour and skin colour to the original.



I agree with you Predator Eldar, we were introduced to the Predator in the first flick, since that mystery is gone in the second, it was all about giving us the goods. More gore, more action, more toys.



if you watch the behind the scenes on the Predator 1 disc, you will find out that the reason you didn't see it till later in the movie was because the original design was scrapped. They later had Stan design the Predator as we know it today. This was all done during production of the movie.



I like pred2 more than pred 1, dont kill me, its my opinion.
Oh and wasnt the original pred like some crap thingy, i cant remember but isaw something on fx .



The original working design was very b-movie. I recall the head being really bizzare (lame), almost like a bird or turkey shape. I really should just pop in the Predator SE dvd but I'm too lazy.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

It was basically a guy in a giant lobster suit, which stook out SO MUCH in the GREEN forest. It was AWFUL!



The investigative plotline was interesting. It separates the story from the first movie. I like sequels that aren't exactly like what they follow. If offers room to expand and be creative. Of course when I saw it though I was indeed saddened that there was no Dutch. But such is life. Worse concept-only sequels have been made. I'm not going to get upset over it.

Gangster Predator

Quote from: scarface on Mar 25, 2007, 02:56:52 AM
I like pred2 more than pred 1, dont kill me, its my opinion.
Oh and wasnt the original pred like some crap thingy, i cant remember but isaw something on fx .

Yeah thats my same opinion too. I liked pred 2 better than pred 1, but know that I have predator 1 on DVD I learned to like it more. I like them both now. I also think that the film had potential to live up to its original



I loved Predator 2, it wasn't a re-hash of Predator, that's what made it good, is because it's different.

Con- Predator was in the movie in the first 5 minutes.

-Bill God Damn he's awesome Paxton
-Gary Busey played the hell out of keyes, I loved the character.
-Some great Predator scenes, the slaughterhouse scene is still one of my favorite.
-Cool vision modes
-We are driven deeper into the Predator culture.

Great movie, I'll always like Predator due to Arnold, originality, and the incredible cast, but Predator 2 also holds a special place in my heart.

Vader the White

Quote from: CELTICPRED on Mar 27, 2007, 04:51:41 AM
it wasn't a re-hash of Predator
That's why I think it's good. It's not a cut-and-paste sequel.


I liked predator 2 but my only con is that most of the concepts for P2 are ideas thats had to be scraped from P1.  For example the spear was a concept for P1 but it was never built plus John McTiernan wasn't keen on the idea.  And same with the battle on the predator ship that was originally in the P1 script untill the director and the fox executives thought that is idea would ruin the movie.  And so these concepts and more were moved over to Predator 2.



Quote from: xeno_alpha_07 on Mar 28, 2007, 10:23:48 AMI liked predator 2 but my only con is that most of the concepts for P2 are ideas thats had to be scraped from P1.  For example the spear was a concept for P1 but it was never built plus John McTiernan wasn't keen on the idea.  And same with the battle on the predator ship that was originally in the P1 script untill the director and the fox executives thought that is idea would ruin the movie.  And so these concepts and more were moved over to Predator 2.

I get where you are coming from but as these thing would for sure have ruined the first movie it worked perfectly for the 2nd film and its setting. The spear and fight in space ship was perfect in the urban environment.

Sorry for reviving a thread from 2007... ;)


QuoteCons of Predator 2

I dispute the premise of this thread.

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