Prey Blu Ray release

Started by Billiken, Aug 05, 2022, 01:25:36 PM

Prey Blu Ray release (Read 72,912 times)



Kill herself.



My copy of the Blu-ray's on its way here in the UK. Can't wait to give this another watch.



Haven't found the time yet, determined to soon though.



Arrived yesterday.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have a physical copy, but the fact it's in a slimline Blu-ray case when the other Predator films were in full size cases is triggering my OCD something fierce :laugh:

Going to be watching later today.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

My copy arrived yesterday too! Looking forward to rewatching - it's been a little while, but I'd been relistening to some of the score this week and it really put me in the mood.

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Quote from: HuDaFuK on Nov 26, 2023, 11:37:24 AMArrived yesterday.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have a physical copy, but the fact it's in a slimline Blu-ray case when the other Predator films were in full size cases is triggering my OCD something fierce :laugh:

Going to be watching later today.

Quote from: Local Trouble on Jun 12, 2019, 05:33:47 PM



Quote from: HuDaFuK on Nov 26, 2023, 11:37:24 AMArrived yesterday.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have a physical copy, but the fact it's in a slimline Blu-ray case when the other Predator films were in full size cases is triggering my OCD something fierce :laugh:

Going to be watching later today.

After receiving some blu-rays and 4K's with damaged cases I've fully embraced buying empty cases online and replacing things as needed. you can get them on Amazon pretty easily.



FYI, Aussies - free shipping on Amazon for Prey 4K. Still $60 though.



Finally got a 4k copy in, as I hoped for, the transfer quality is far better than what I got with streaming, and it's lovely to have a physical copy of the films that I love.

This is my third time watching it, I liked it better than I remember.



the 4K is gorgeous

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

Still haven't broken in my 4K copy of Prey yet, but definitely planning a Predator, Predator 2, and Prey triple feature soon, now that I just got my hands on the first couple movies on 4K (along with Predators and... ehm, The Predator... as well, since I got the four movie box set).

Been wanting to revisit Predator since Carl Weathers passed.



Prey/Predator/Predator 2 triple feature is perfect. Predators is a lovely cocktail after that meal. Would really love for the previous movies to get individual 4K releases outside of the boxset. Maybe when "Badlands" comes out they'll go for it and rerelease everything.



Why exactly?

Their current 4K releases are already borderline perfect, you can still pick up the Predator Trilogy easily, and Prey.

It is every Alien sequel that desperately needs some love.

Cosmic Incubation

Cosmic Incubation

The collector in me is also hoping for individual 4K special boutique releases for each of the Predator movies (except THAT one). I'm glad it's available, but something about that trilogy pack just doesn't scratch that itch for me.

I know it's kinda dumb, but I want a cool steelbook (I love the one for Prey) or some sort of special packaging like what Arrow or Vinegar Syndrome put out.

Also want to see the same for the Alien series and AVP of course.



Trilogy or boxsets only appeal to me when they have some effort put into them like the Alien Anthology for example. There was a cohesive look and feel with all the GUI and design throughout. Don't like the slapdash efforts to just put 3 previous releases inside a box and sell it off.

Still thinking about spending $AUD60 with free shipping to get Prey on 4k from the US. Tempting but so bloody expensive. For you non-Aussies, we usually pay around $20-40 locally for a 4K release.

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