Pathogen - New Campaign

Started by Kailem, Jun 10, 2022, 04:04:49 PM

Pathogen - New Campaign (Read 57,166 times)



Quote from: Cosmic Incubation on Sep 14, 2022, 02:19:38 PMMore horde mode maps in general would definitely be appreciated.

But yes, definitely a Pathogen map!
A synth horde mode map would also be a good change of pace.
Or even waves of different types of enemies.



Since I beat the main campaign but didn't exactly find it stellar overall, but enjoyed the pathogen based stuff the most, is it worth my time to get this dlc?



Quote from: Stitch on Sep 14, 2022, 10:57:13 PMSince I beat the main campaign but didn't exactly find it stellar overall, but enjoyed the pathogen based stuff the most, is it worth my time to get this dlc?
It's good to spend a few hours on. You could also wait for a December sale discount.



For £12 for what you get, yeah it is worthwhile, but indeed probably you could get the Ultimate Edition on sale come October or December time.



The last level from the Pathogen DLC is genuinely incredible, the boss fight is awesome and the cutscene incredibly satisfying

Seems like if we get another DLC, it will be based around WY, possibly with human enemies and maybe new normal Xenos?



Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Sep 19, 2022, 11:04:50 PMThe last level from the Pathogen DLC is genuinely incredible, the boss fight is awesome and the cutscene incredibly satisfying

Seems like if we get another DLC, it will be based around WY, possibly with human enemies and maybe new normal Xenos?

I don't feel like we are getting any other campaign DLC, kind of felt the end for this game but who knows.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

So the old plan before the merger was one new campaign a year. Whether that's still the plan or not... *shrugs*



To me it feels like they kind of want to back up and punt for a sequel.  They've set up things quite a bit story wise, but I don't know how far they want to get into it with the presentation the way it is. 

I mean the no lip synching characters, the same guy cleaning the powerloader for the whole campaign (and other animations), the inability to fully explore the home base spacecraft for weapon/skill updates like  you can in most other style of modern 3rd person shooters.  It feels incredibly outdated and limited in scope.

I don't think it is a bad game.........but even with the DLC it feels very incomplete.  It will continue to feel very incomplete even if they throw more campaigns in.  I personally thought pathogen LOOKED cool........but felt pretty empty.  My favorite part of the campaign are the last three levels of the OG campaign just because there is other stuff happening outside of your squad.  It feels more lived in and less empty, it was slightly more immersive. 

I guess sequel talk depends on how much money they are making.  They COULD continue to update like they did was very incomplete feeling as well but they worked on it for years afterwards to where it hardly felt like the same game toward the end. 



I think you're right, and if they can, I'm pretty okay with them moving onto a sequel now.

judge death

judge death

Got the pathogen expansion yesterday, first level done, nothing amazing so far but fun. Will play some more when I get the time.
Once its done I will wait for new campaign dlc to pick it up to play again.


Even though I like the campaign, I really do agree that the xenomorph shouldn't be infected by the pathogen, it's in the bloodstream in some extent. It just feels weird that they can get infected by this, they are said to be perfect organism and they're getting their asses Beaten by a zombie version of xenomorph, I don't like it. And yeah isolating the crusher into that it came from a creature with thick skin, also bugs me. At least it been recon in the dark descent.

One more thing. This is unrelated but I was listening to the Seegson Lore, The last sentence really intrigued me.

"I've heard in the 70s they try to colonize some planets in the middle room, wonder what happened with that"
Imagine the storyline like that. Seegson try to colonize a planet but The columns has been attacked by xenomorphs that were from a abandoned Weyland Yutani colony on the same planet



Maybe now with Aliens Dark Descent we know.



it would have been cool if the infected xenomorph was just another attempt by the engineers to re-create the perfect organism but failed miserably. A protomorph



The game isn't about content, although it helps, its more about playing the game with people and leveling up. Everything else is just aliens and story blips.



Quote from: BenditlikeBeckum on Oct 12, 2023, 01:05:57 PMThe game isn't about content, although it helps, its more about playing the game with people and leveling up. Everything else is just aliens and story blips.
It's not really about grinding the level-ups.

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