Legendary Encounters: Alien and Predator fan made sets (looking for feedback)

Started by NasumQSU, Oct 15, 2024, 03:10:05 AM

Legendary Encounters: Alien and Predator fan made sets (looking for feedback) (Read 1,023 times)


Hello, longtime reader of AVPG, first-time poster.
Both Legendary Alien and Predator are fantastic games but unfortunately they will unlikely be gaining any further expansions as Upper Deck no longer has the licenses. Recently, I have made full sets based upon the films Romulus, AvP, AvP:R, Prey, and the Predator. The sets play pretty decently but I would love to hear some feedback!
They have all been posted to BGG (Board Game Geek) where the sets can be viewed, but you'll need to create a BGG account (free) to download them. They are in MS Word document format, and do not look like other Legendary cards due to my lack of graphic design skills. Instead, they have been created in a low-ink style with small images. Except, another user on BGG is helping me convert the cards in the Romulus set to be in the Legendary style.
Both AvP sets can be played using either the Alien or Predator set.


Alien vs. Predator

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem


The Predator


There is also a fan made set for Predators that was made by the BGG user nagypapi. He had not made it available to print but had given me permission to do so.
Predators Barracks
Predators Enemies

For my Romulus set, I have been collaborating with the BGG user Rubberduck to improve the Romulus set cards into the real Legendary style. We've also been developing the cards a bit more. Here's a sampling of some of the great work he's done so far.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Thanks for sharing these, and I'm loving the effort! I'm not a fan of the filter on those cards though. I appreciate the effort to make them look more in line with the game's cartoon nature, but it's just killing the details in image. I'd much prefer without the filter on.

Just an fyi too - the Facehuggers are called "Parasitoids" in Romulus. I'd be tempted to get these printed when you finish them, too. Would love to play with these in person. Been too long since I got this game out.


Thanks, and double thanks for pointing that out! We've update the cards that refer to the Paras.
Also, thanks for the feedback on the images. It is certainly our intention to make them similar to the ones for the base game. The filter allows us to do this, and the cards feel unique because of that, to us. We took a look at the cards without the filter and felt for this set, they lose something without it. This filter also allows Rubberduck to edit the images a lot easier than if they were just straight screenshots. We lack the resources and time, in that regard. We think the shots we've chosen for the cards are distinct enough that they're still evocative.

I understand what you mean though about the filter. The style and quality of the art on the cards in the game itself are all over the place. Those styles are not for everyone, heh. The Enemy and Strike cards are incredible, but the Character cards are a different story. There are some good looking cards but also some that are quite ugly, heh. 85's "Buying Time" is one that always springs to mind in particular.

Corporal Hicks

Could I suggest providing 2 versions - one's with and without the filter? While I genuinely appreciate the effort you're going to with it, I just really don't like it myself. It washes out the actual detail in the screencaps.


Rubberduck looked into doing two versions but it's unfortunately not possible without basically doing the set completely over again. The program he's using, he can't just remove the comic filter on a finished image.

Corporal Hicks

That's a shame. Fair enough, completely understand.  :)


Romulus 2.0 has been uploaded to the BGG link in my original post. The set has been developed further with some of the cards have been reworked and the entire set has been given the full Legendary-style graphic upgrade thanks to Rubberduck (BGG user).

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