i did find a site but youll need to pay like £75 for each model like the marine with the grenade laucher and the Atom which generates the money for the marines
I would still continue it but i cant find anyone that will help or anything like that
I will accept donatilns tho if people want to but it depends how much tbh
i already made the level and stuff and hallways ect and foilage but its just the UI and other stuff that. would of been lovely for someone to help me do it :/
i would also except multiplayer with it but i dont know because nobody is helping me lol
i had a couple of models of a facehugger and a couple of halls but i deleted the folder whee all my stuff was becuase of how much everything was going to be
Even tho i deleted everything, im still going to go through with this so yeah its still going on
from boxing day till a couple days ago its been very stressful, nothing to do with this project
Quote from: 305gizmo@gmail.com on Oct 11, 2020, 01:13:28 PM
Does anyone have any updates on this topic?
I would love to know more.
And is there any way that I can donate to this person so it comes out quicker?
how much will you be willing to donate?