Full Article in Fangoria Mag

Started by Darkness, Jul 14, 2004, 10:58:16 PM

Full Article in Fangoria Mag (Read 19,930 times)



Bringer of Death has sent me the six-page article in Fangoria Magazine in high resolution and inside the article, Anderson has a long chat about the creatures and the cast but one part I did find interesting:

“Lathan’s contract allows for a sequel if AVP is a hit. When asked if he sees this movie as a beginning of a new franchise, Anderson exclaims “Absolutely. This is not Alien 5, and it’s designed deliberately not to interfere with Alien 5 or Predator 3 if there should be such movies… It’s a stand-alone movie. You don’t have to have seen a Predator movie or an Alien movie. If you have, it’s got a lot of cool stuff that interrelates to those franchises, but it leaves Fox free to make Alien 5 or Predator 3 if they want to.”

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Alex Villalobos

Alex Villalobos

Very cool nice work Darkness

Commander Griker

Commander Griker

very nice so i guess that grave yard of bones were not of a whale



But it does interfere with Alien 5 because it satisfies the fans pent-up demand for an Alien movie, and then if its bad and bombs it will kill any chance of there being an Alien 5 entirely. I don't see how this could be a series either. I mean, how many times can you have Aliens fighting Predators. It seems to me you do that once and thats enough, for a movie. And him saying Fox is free to do Alien 5 is just him admitting that there are alot of fans who would prefer that instead of what he's made. It doesn't mean he has any inside info about it happening.



Nice one Bringer of Death, that was wicked. I kinda feel sorry for PA because so many fans have been bad mouthing him, and he's really passionate about this film, it's his dream.



Thanks for the Scans



This is great. Thanks a lot for the scans.

29 more days

29 more days

http://www.btinternet.com/~sa_sa/bouvetoya/bouvetoya.html    thought everyone would see this as pretty cool......you'll notice it is in fact the most remote place on the planet and a unexplained nuclear blast did happen near it in 1979



If only the AVP story was in the future and not on present day earth just like in the video games then nobody would have talked about it in a negative way because it would have had colonial marines and it would have bin set on a diffrent world so it would have bin mysterious

Lord HamsteR

Lord HamsteR

then it would be only fore avp game fans..and lets face it,there arnt much left of us! soo in order to draw meny ppl to the game first we must see the present days.. besaids colonial marines was made in aliens world but in game they atacht preds...soo its intresting to see all this from how other then humans see this!



Yes i agree but anderson didnt have the budget to make such a film.Maybe if another is made.



If Anderson says we won't see aliens and predators until 45mins of the film..so when will we see the pyramid flash-back?



proxi good point and ya how long is this film its hopefully long if we have to wait 45 mins to see preds n aliens,know what i think might happen when sabtion says the story is all here and is reading it i think thats when the flashback might i apear guess we might have to wait tell the movie.i want to see aliens n preds i can care less about the humans i really hope lex dies to this movie looks like its being base on lex just like the alien movies were base on riply.talkin about the gamse i really hope there is a avp3.



To all that came and is to come: Who cared about how long we had to wait to see the Pred and Alien in the 1st movies? NO ONE. So just because paul mentioned or hinted that we might have to wait 45 minutes shoudn't make this movie crappy right off the back! In fact, evrything he said regarding time and styles of directing the Alien and Aliens movies is very true. I admitt, at first finding out on who was going to direct this movie (me being a die hard fan myself of the Alien and Predator franchises) I lost my damn mind. Mortal Kombat/Soldier director for AVP? COME ON! I talked major shit about this guy and how this movie was going to suck etc. But, reading all the updates that I can find about this movie that for the last 12+ years of my life I've been dying for, and all of Paul's comments and understanding his vision for this film, made me change my mind about this guy directing this movie. He understands how important this movie is to the fans. He knows what style of filmmaking is needed for this movie (ie Alien and Aliens). He understands what made the other sequels work and not work. For the 1st time, I actually back him up on this. I don't think this movie is going to be bad at all. I expect this movie to make at least 55+ million at the box office in its opening weekwned! Alien did 40.3 million, Aliens did 43.8 million, and Predator did 31million. For god's sake, 8 f**kING Mile did 51 million!! can you believe that crap? ALL YOU FANS OUT THERE BITCHIN (like me) ABOUT FINALLY MAKING THIS MOVIE, GET ALL YOUR FRIENDS TOGETHER AND SEE THE MOVIE! THE MORE PEOPLE, THE BETTER THIS MOVIE WILL DO, AND THE MORE LIKELY CHANCE THAT THERE WILL BE  A SEQUEL. The truth, no matter how it turns out, I thank GOD that I lived to see these two bad ass creatures duel it out on the big screen. My wish came true! Have a little faith in Paul........  DARKNESS: THANKS A LOT FOR THESE SCANS BRO, GREAT JOB!!     8)  

Shadow of FUS

Shadow of FUS

I bet those are bones of dinosaurs.  Hmm...notice how Anderson doesnt talk of his work wit hte predator at all but instead talks of the aliens and actors?

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