Alien: Paradiso

Started by Slutty Badger, Sep 18, 2024, 04:47:22 PM

Alien: Paradiso (Read 8,477 times)

Slutty Badger

Slutty Badger

Quote from: SM on Nov 26, 2024, 08:29:46 PMKane did have a wife.

Yep. Just re-read the Wey-Yu Report, dunno how I missed it the first time. Wife of barely two years, lost in a decompression accident in 2115.

No mention of a daughter though.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: St_Eddie on Nov 26, 2024, 08:26:52 PM
Quote from: Kradan on Nov 26, 2024, 07:28:40 PMProblem is not that Kane couldn't have a daughter, it's that they're once again creating an unnecessary blood relative of a character from the movies

People were up in arms about Amanda Ripley being the protagonist in Alien Isolation, but once the game came out, most people seemed happy enough. I'm willing to see what Kane's Daughter will bring to the table.

While a very fair point and example, I generally think of Amanda as the exception, not the rule. Apone's brother turned out to be done fairly well as well, but that novel would have worked as well without him. Isolation wouldn't have worked without Amanda.

It's more "urgh, this again." Marvel and Titan keep going back to this well, and it's becoming boring. Dark Horse did it once and it was fine. It's just somewhat boring creatively. I'm likewise disappointed we're going down this road again, but I'll read it of course. Hopefully it turns out good.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Read through the first issue last night. It's off to a reasonable start. The artwork is good. No real complaints at the moment, but not too much more to say currently.



The people smuggling backdrop is interesting, but the baddies are very cliched both in how they're written and drawn.

The art is very Marvel production line completely devoid of originality or personal flair. It's not bad; just bland.

Almost makes a man pine for Sam Kieth.  Almost.

The Alien POV is okay-ish, even despite it being inconsistent with Alien 3 or Covenant.

Oasis Nadrama

Oasis Nadrama

It's a nice little beginning, and the tropical vacation environment is certainly refreshing.

Some little flaws:
- The dialogues are a little too on-the-nose (particularly the bit about the multiple synths)
- I'm not certain we needed a chestbursting right in the first chapter, especially not one that ends up in this traditional, formulaic way with the creature escaping right through the nearest vent
- Also sceptical about the conclusion of the opening chase scene, where the Alien is running behind the guy on the beach and suddenly when it catches up, they are in the water

But overall this works. Good drawings, decent writing.

I was just annoyed about this bit:
QuoteA dangerous Alien species known as Xenomorphs
It's not the name of the species. It's not the name of the species. IT'S NOT THE NAME OF THE SPECIES.
Maybe one day, ONE DAY, we'll get Alien stories that understand that "xenomorph" just means "alien (life)form".  >:(



It is, however, what they are known as.



I actually enjoyed that, the art seemed a little less creative than some of the ones I read recently but good to me nonetheless.

I really liked that split head. That's the type of gory stuff I would like to see utilized in movies!

Oasis Nadrama

Oasis Nadrama

Quote from: SM on Dec 14, 2024, 06:57:06 AMIt is, however, what they are known as.
Unfortunately true, but still a horrible misnomer and misinterpretation.



Quote from: Oasis Nadrama on Dec 14, 2024, 06:52:08 AMIt's a nice little beginning, and the tropical vacation environment is certainly refreshing.

Some little flaws:
- The dialogues are a little too on-the-nose (particularly the bit about the multiple synths)
- I'm not certain we needed a chestbursting right in the first chapter, especially not one that ends up in this traditional, formulaic way with the creature escaping right through the nearest vent
- Also sceptical about the conclusion of the opening chase scene, where the Alien is running behind the guy on the beach and suddenly when it catches up, they are in the water

But overall this works. Good drawings, decent writing.

I was just annoyed about this bit:
QuoteA dangerous Alien species known as Xenomorphs
It's not the name of the species. It's not the name of the species. IT'S NOT THE NAME OF THE SPECIES.
Maybe one day, ONE DAY, we'll get Alien stories that understand that "xenomorph" just means "alien (life)form".  >:(

The name is a play on the type of creature. Xeno a play on race and morph based on how it morphs or changes form.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Oasis Nadrama on Dec 14, 2024, 09:21:06 AM
Quote from: SM on Dec 14, 2024, 06:57:06 AMIt is, however, what they are known as.
Unfortunately true, but still a horrible misnomer and misinterpretation.

Personal preference, but I was really hoping they'd lean into the XX121 thing more after Romulus made it proper canon. I've loved this categorization since the WYR introduced it. Always made much more sense to me.

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

XX121 walks a fine line of being silly but also at giving a proper descriptor/label so that we can move away from the more broadly all-enconpassing "xenomorph" term.

I'm overall cool with it purely for the benefit it offers in that regard.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

That's why I like it - Xenomorph is a generic term for Alien, they get given other labels under that description. Works absolutely perfectly for me.



It's been known as a xenomorph for 45 years. That's good enough for me

Slutty Badger

Slutty Badger

Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Dec 14, 2024, 06:15:50 PMXX121 walks a fine line of being silly but also at giving a proper descriptor/label so that we can move away from the more broadly all-enconpassing "xenomorph" term.

I'm overall cool with it purely for the benefit it offers in that regard.

It's not the only descriptor in use, either - Proto-Xenomorphs such as the Trilobite and Deacon are classified as XX033.



Quote from: Acidforblood75 on Dec 14, 2024, 07:00:00 PMIt's been known as a xenomorph for 45 years. That's good enough for me

Which is the entire point.

It's the blurb/ intro text. It's not part of the story text.

a Colonial Marshall HQ in the Zeta Reticuli system. Wut?

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