It's a nice little beginning, and the tropical vacation environment is certainly refreshing.
Some little flaws:
- The dialogues are a little too on-the-nose (particularly the bit about the multiple synths)
- I'm not certain we needed a chestbursting right in the first chapter, especially not one that ends up in this traditional, formulaic way with the creature escaping right through the nearest vent
- Also sceptical about the conclusion of the opening chase scene, where the Alien is running behind the guy on the beach and suddenly when it catches up, they are in the water
But overall this works. Good drawings, decent writing.
I was just annoyed about this bit:
QuoteA dangerous Alien species known as Xenomorphs
It's not the name of the species. It's not the name of the species. IT'S NOT THE NAME OF THE SPECIES.
Maybe one day, ONE DAY, we'll get Alien stories that understand that "xenomorph" just means "alien (life)form".