How would this crossover action horror science fiction movie be?
The title of this crossover movie is "Fury of the Soldiers: Ghost Corps" and this movie is set in the universe of the 1979 science fiction horror movie Alien.
Fury of the Soldiers: Ghost Corps takes place after the events of this other movie: of the Soldiers: Ghost Corps is about the military organization task force Ghost Corps and its war against the Diabolomorphs and the Umbrella Corporation. The Ghost Corps are very good when it comes to Black Ops operations.
The Diabolomorphs are basically the name given to the xenomorphs that became far more powerful than normal xenomorphs due to evolving in some ways for an extremely long time. Then, the Diabolomorphs became more powerful due to some mutation.
Compared to normal xenomorphs, the Diabolomorphs travel freely in space and infest various galaxies, planets, and civilizations. Average Diabolomorph adults are a bit bigger than average normal xenomorphs while some types of Diabolomorphs such as the Diabolomorph Baron are gigantic and much bigger than the Diabolomorph Queen.
These are some kinds of Diabolomorphs:
1. Flying Diabolomorphs(These are winged Diabolomorphs that fly.)
2. Spider Facehuggers(These are Facehuggers that use webs as homes and as ways to trap their victims. These facehuggers impregnate victims.)
3. Electrical Diabolomorphs(These Diabolomorphs use electricity as a weapon.)
4. Mega Facehuggers(These facehuggers are gigantic and impregnate victims.)
5. Mind Control Chest Bursters(These Chest Bursters control the minds of their hosts.)
6. Diabolomorph King(This is the second highest ranking Diabolomorph in the Diabolomorph hive. Diabolomorph Kings are subordinate towards the Diabolomorph Queen. Normally, one Diabolomorph hive has one Diabolomorph Queen and 6 Diabolomorph Kings. Another purpose of the Diabolomorph King is to impregnate the Diabolomorph Queen with the best offspring.)
Then an organization called the Umbrella Corporation got a hold of the Diabolomorphs.
The Umbrella Corporation is a rival corporation to the Weyland Yutani Corporation. The two corporations got into violent conflicts and wars with each other over possessing xenomorphs and anything related to xenomorphs. Due to this, military mercenaries working for the Weyland Yutani Corporation often got into conflicts with the USS(Umbrella Security Service). Competitions between the Umbrella Corporation and the Weyland Yutani Corporation started out as economic and like that of corporate business but soon devolved into military violence and assassinations. Overtime, the Umbrella Corporation destroyed the Weyland Yutani Corporation.
Due to the various experiments of the Umbrella Corporation with the Diabolomorphs, the Umbrella corporation unintentionally turned the whole human population of the human planet Enoch 67 into zombies. One type of these zombies produce Diabolomorph chest bursters within them that will eventually burst out of their chest which kills these zombies. The zombies took over Enoch 67 which resulted in the Diabolomorphs escaping from the Umbrella Corporation and ruling all of Enoch 67.
A long time ago, the Umbrella Corporation also revived the dinosaurs of Earth and brought those dinosaurs into Enoch 67 but after Enoch 67 was conquered by the Diabolomorphs, the dinosaurs were impregnated by giant facehuggers which resulted in the birth of the Savagomorphs. The Savagomorphs are Diabolomorphs born out of various types of dinosaurs such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Below are the protagonists of Fury of the Soldiers: Ghost Corps:
1. James Braddock(from the 1984 action movie Missing in Action)
He is one of the greatest military soldiers that ever lived. He was a US military soldier. He is also a one man army.
2. Project Alice
She is a humanoid experiment created by the Umbrella Corporation. Due to this, she is above that of normal adult male humans when it comes to speed, strength, agility, physical strikes, and durability. She was given military training by the Ghost Corps after becoming one of their members.
3. Drake
Drake is originally a robot terminator that was programmed by Skynet to exterminate humans. Due to this, Drake is far above that of normal human adult males when it comes to speed, strength, agility, physical strikes, and durability. But after Skynet was destroyed by two legendary one man army commandos, a German engineer and scientist by the name of Diederich Abendroth programmed Drake to not hurt humans and to protect humans. Diederich also modified Drake in ways that enhanced Drake. Drake looks like a 13 year old European German white boy and due to this, some American college fraternity bully members tried to bully Drake but Drake just brutally killed them all. This event horrified Diederich so Diederich programmed Drake to be more gentle. Then, the Ghost Corps adopted Drake as one of their members. Drake is one of the best soldiers of Ghost Corps.
4. Dar Dar Binks
Dar Dar is not human. This is because he is a Gungan from a Gungan planet. He is a son of Jar Jar Binks. Dar Dar Binks is one of Ghost Corps's greatest soldiers. Like his father Jar Jar, Dar Dar is clumsy in some things.
5. Frank Castle
Frank Castle is one of Ghost Corps's greatest soldiers but before he became a member of Ghost Corps, he was a violent brutal ruthless savage vigilante that often brutally kills and brutally tortures gangsters. He has a huge hatred for gangsters and used to hunt down gangsters as a hobby in the USA. But before becoming that vigilante, Frank Castle was one of the US military's greatest special forces soldiers. Like James Braddock, Frank is a one man army himself. Many people think of Frank Castle as a sociopath and are scared of Frank himself. James Braddock doesn't fear Frank Castle and only has respect for Frank Castle while Frank also respects James Braddock.
6. Alex James Murphy
Alex James Murphy is a cyborg soldier of Ghost Corps. Before Alex was a member of Ghost Corps, he was a cyborg cop who hunted down criminals and gangsters in Detroit, Michigan.
7. William Adama
William Adama is the commander of the Ghost Corps. But before this, he had nothing to do with Ghost Corps or any of its current members. Before becoming a member of Ghost Corps, William Adama was once the commander of the space carrier battleship called Battlestar Galactica. Many members of Ghost Corps respect William as their commander due to his great skill as a tactician and strategist. He is also the most mature member of Ghost Corps. He is a proficient combatant himself but he thinks that James Braddock is the greatest combatant of Ghost Corps.
The story of Fury of the Soldiers: Ghost Corps is about the Umbrella Corporation planning to take over Enoch 67 but after the Diabolomorphs and the human-turned zombies took over Enoch 67, the Umbrella Corporation tried to take over Earth instead so the US government sent the Ghost Corps on a mission to take down the Umbrella Corporation.
Then, the Ghost Corps and the US government realized that the Umbrella Corporation isn't the only problem but also the Diabolomorphs that escaped from the corporation, took over Enoch 67, and are threatening to expand in the universe. So the Ghost Corps decided to also fight the escaped Diabolomorphs.
These are the locations that the Ghost Corps members will be fighting in:
Area 1 - London, United Kingdom(The Umbrella Corporation planned to take over Earth so the corporation sent its robots to invade and destroy the city of London. The robots destroyed the city so the Ghost Corps was deployed by the US government to save the city from the robots. The Ghost Corps will arrive at this city at night by riding a vehicle. Before the Ghost Corps soldiers get out of the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle, James Braddock, will use this vehicle to crash into multiple robots sent by the Umbrella Corporation. This action of James Braddock killed those robots. Then, the Ghost Corps soldiers will get out of the vehicle and begin fighting the Umbrella Corporation robots that destroyed the city.)
Area 2 - Underground Roads
Area 3 - Destroyed US Marine Corps military base(This base was severely annihilated by a powerful Diabolomorph called the Destroyer. The Destroyer is the boss of this area.)
Area 4 - Underground American City
Area 5 - Huge USS Military Boat Ship
Area 6 - Swamp
Area 7 - Savagomorph Jungle(The boss of this area is the Savagomorph Triceratops.)
Area 8 - An extremely gigantic USS Military Train
Area 9 - Snow Forest
Area 10 - Snow Mountains
Area 11 - Egyptian Pyramid
Area 12 - USS Military Fortress
Area 13 - Umbrella Corporation Robot Factory(This factory has many military robots guarding it.)
Area 14 - Umbrella Corporation Laboratory
Area 15 - A human city in Enoch 67(This city is taken over by Diabolomorphs and human-turned zombies.)
Final Area - Space Diabolomorph Hive(This Diabolomorph hive is in space. This hive is the area where the Ghost Corps will fight the Diabolomorph Queen and her 6 Diabolomorph Kings.)
First, the Ghost Corps fought and destroyed the Umbrella Corporation, the USS soldiers, the zombies, and the Savagomorphs.
Later, the Ghost Corps destroyed the Diabolomorphs.
The final part of Fury of the Soldiers: Ghost Corps is the Ghost Corps soldiers raiding the Space Diabolomorph Hive and fighting and killing all of the Diabolomorphs there. In the Diabolomorph hive, the Ghost Corps soldiers' final battle is them fighting and killing their final enemy which is the Diabolomorph Queen. The Diabolomorph Queen is the final boss.
After the Ghost Corps killed the Diabolomorph Queen and accomplished their mission, a spaceship arrives and picks them up. The Ghost Corps soldiers were then sent back to Earth by the spaceship.
Then a CIA agent used a nuke as a type of attack towards a part of Enoch 67 which killed the Diabolomorphs in that part of Enoch 67. Then the CIA agent used this form of attack against the Space Diabolomorph Hive and all parts of Enoch 67 which killed all of the Diabolomorphs in those places.
The ending credits of Fury of the Soldiers: Ghost Corps will include outer space as a background.