Site / Forum Updates - New Theme 28/08/15

Started by Darkness, Nov 01, 2009, 06:40:12 PM

Site / Forum Updates - New Theme 28/08/15 (Read 83,291 times)



Custom post count groups have now been added. Go to your Profile page and select your favourite species. Either Alien, Predator or Marine and you'll be in your group. You'll also get new group icons (thanks to sh0dan).

Here's the new ranks:


----1 Star----
0-49= Alien Egg
050-099= Facehugger
----2 Stars----
100-249= Super Facehugger
250-499= Chestburster
----3 Stars----
500-749= Giger's Alien
750-999= Hive Alien
----4 Stars----
1000-2499= Warrior Alien
2500-4999= Carrier Alien
----5 Stars----
5000-7499= Runner Alien
7500-9999= Predalien
----6 Stars----
10000-12499= Praetorian
12500-14999= Space Jockey
----7 Stars----
15000-17499= Kane
17500-19999= Brett
20000-22499= Dallas
22500-24999 = Parker
25000-29999 = Lambert
30000-49999 = ?
50000-99999 = ?
100000+ = ?


----1 Star----
0-49= Anytime
050-099= City Hunter
----2 Stars----
100-249= Falconer Predator
250-499= Tracker Predator
----3 Stars----
500-749= Berserker Predator
750-999= Elder Predator
----4 Stars----
1000-2499= River Ghost
2500-4999= Hawkins
----5 Stars----
5000-7499= Blain
7500-9999= Mac
----6 Stars----
10000-12499= Dillon
12500-14999= Poncho
----7 Stars----
15000-17499= Billy
17500-19999= Lambert
20000-22499= Keyes
22500-24999 = Nikolai
25000-29999 = Royce
30000-49999 = ?
50000-99999 = ?
100000+ = ?


----1 Star----
0-49= Colonist
050-099= Prisoner
----2 Stars----
100-249= Colonial Marine
250-499= Mercenary
----3 Stars----
500-749= Synthetic
750-999= Bishop
----4 Stars----
1000-2499= Pvt. Wierzbowski
2500-4999= Pvt. Crowe
----5 Stars----
5000-7499= Pvt. Spunkmeyer
7500-9999= Pvt. Frost
----6 Stars----
10000-12499= Pvt. Drake
12500-14999= Pvt. Vasquez
----7 Stars----
15000-17499= Pvt. Hudson
17500-19999= Cpl. Dietrich
20000-22499= Cpl. Ferro
22500-24999 = Cpl. Hicks
25000-29999 = Sgt. Apone
30000-49999 = ?
50000-99999 = ?
100000+ = ?

Any questions or things you don't like, now is the time to say. I've had to add in human characters too since there isn't a creature for every rank.

The Xenoborg

Wow, when I was asking about ranks, I had exactly this in mind!

Nightmare Asylum

Really nice! I'm an Alien ;D


I'm an Alien as well. The icons are a really nice touch by the way. :)

Crazy Rich

Awesome! Marines all the way.  8)

The Collector

This is pretty cool! I love the icons for it!!

Ghost Rider

These new ranks are nice. :) I'm an Alien.


That's cool, Darkness. Thanks, guys! ;)


This is a very good idea! I'm an Alien.

Predator Queen

F*ck yes! To all are developers  , thank you!


Oh F**k yes ;D. Now the hard part is choosing which one I want to be.

Space Sweeper

I love the rank icons, shows what fanbase the person is a part of if they dont have a telling avatar.


Staying as none like a boss. :D


What is a "river ghost"?

Crazy Rich

Probably something from EU, I'm guessing literature.

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