
Started by Corporal Hicks, Dec 23, 2006, 12:38:11 AM

Information (Read 60,019 times)



Quote from: Kriszilla on Sep 16, 2007, 01:29:47 PM
Obsidian did the Knights Of The Old Republic games, as earlier said, which are pretty good games.

The first is said to have been so, yeah. The second was awful. 'Neverwinter Nights 2', I have played and it gets boring and pointless to read all these weird statistics for weapons, without any explanation for what the letters and numbers mean.

xenomorph assassin

xenomorph assassin

Quote from: Kriszilla on Sep 16, 2007, 01:29:47 PM
I hope they don't try to tie it in with the films. I really do. *Painful flashbacks to Alien Trilogy*

On a somewhat lighter note, Obsidian did the Knights Of The Old Republic games, as earlier said, which are pretty good games. However, I hope this game doesn't play like that, it just doesn't seems to have the right pacing or style for an aliens game.

i agree that style was good for KOTOR but in a alien(s) game it wouldn't feel right. i would like to start in a similar way to KOTOR as in starting as a face hugger and finding a host and play on from there

Colton White

Colton White

it would be cool if you could somehow be a scientist and like mix alien's DNA with whatever you want.Maybe like Roller Coaster Tycoon lol.THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.Im going straight for JAWS

Colton White

Colton White

Quote from: xenomorph assassin on Oct 18, 2007, 08:41:53 PM
Quote from: Kriszilla on Sep 16, 2007, 01:29:47 PM
I hope they don't try to tie it in with the films. I really do. *Painful flashbacks to Alien Trilogy*

On a somewhat lighter note, Obsidian did the Knights Of The Old Republic games, as earlier said, which are pretty good games. However, I hope this game doesn't play like that, it just doesn't seems to have the right pacing or style for an aliens game.

i agree that style was good for KOTOR but in a alien(s) game it wouldn't feel right. i would like to start in a similar way to KOTOR as in starting as a face hugger and finding a host and play on from there

Too much like AVP2

Major Alan Schaefer

Major Alan Schaefer

This game have a release date?

I am Mother

I am Mother

^2009. Maybe later! You know how game companies work! lol!

I just gotta say, I grew  up playing games like Final Fantasy 7&8 etc. How are they going to make an RPG in the traditional sense like that? "You are now level 30 which means you can operate a Smartgun!!!" Nope.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as excited as any Alien fan would be. I just hope that it doesn't try to be anything like that cos it just wouldn't work period.

Can't f@cking wait though still.............

AWC 3117

AWC 3117

30 frames per second is kinda slow I hope it is better.

AWC 3117

AWC 3117

Quote from: Kriszilla on Sep 16, 2007, 01:29:47 PM

Obsidian did the Knights Of The Old Republic games, as earlier said, which are pretty good games.

Obsidian actualy only did the second KOTOR game. Bioware developed the first! :P



Aliens RPG game sound bit stupid to me. Is it like Final Fantays meets Aliens or Bioshock meet Aliens?

Colton White

Colton White

^ Nice sig



hello i hope that you will be able to play as the alien. and have gameplay similar to aliens vs predator extinction. they should not tie in to the movies. the alien should pop up randomly in some rural town and start attackinging innocents. thats my hopes for the game



not to be rude or anyhting, but i dont like RPGs too much. but i like the fact that the alien people are exprimenting with different genres.

Corporal Harrison

Corporal Harrison

it would be great if you could ply as an alien or a praetorian or queen and communicating to other aliens KOTOR RPG style.



I would say this game will be more like Mass Effect or Oblivion.  It fits more in line with an action-rpg than something like the FF series.



Do you think the game will come out late 2008 now?

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