Captured Predator on Display At CineEurope

Started by ace3g, Jun 13, 2018, 12:48:41 AM

Captured Predator on Display At CineEurope (Read 71,499 times)



.............It looks like a duck. i'm sorry. Who the hell approved that mask.


Quote from: OpenMaw on Jun 16, 2018, 06:50:51 PM
Quote from: skull-splitter on Jun 16, 2018, 06:02:46 PM
Just more standardised armor from what we know right now. Although my bet is still on a certain tribe ór it being a human hybrid.

I'm actually totally cool with the Predator Space Police having a different look to the original Predators, as long as you can still identify the Predator in the design(which you can). In Bad Blood the Enforcers were basically just the P1 design with a new mask.

Assuming of course Captured is a space cop. I don't think anything in the early draft implies he is, just that he's
against Upgrade.

Captured being a space cop would account for the well maintained/new looking equipment. Although, I don't see him giving hybrid the "kiss of midnight". It's going to take a group effort to pull that off.

I'm hoping Hybrid isn't portrayed as some roided out idiot who manages to get himself spotted or into public fights like abomination.


Quote from: SwineRider on Jun 16, 2018, 11:27:13 PM
I like that they do a fresh take, but I also expect a f**king feral Pred with bone decorations and shit

See, thats right there my main gripe with Upgrade's design. He is just big predator with minimal design. No skulls/bones, no mask nothing interesting.

Corporal Hicks

Yeah, I feel that. I like they haven't gone outrageous with him but something closer to the Bad Blood would have been cooler.

Quote from: Huggs on Jun 17, 2018, 01:58:32 AM
Quote from: OpenMaw on Jun 16, 2018, 06:50:51 PM
Quote from: skull-splitter on Jun 16, 2018, 06:02:46 PM
Just more standardised armor from what we know right now. Although my bet is still on a certain tribe ór it being a human hybrid.

I'm actually totally cool with the Predator Space Police having a different look to the original Predators, as long as you can still identify the Predator in the design(which you can). In Bad Blood the Enforcers were basically just the P1 design with a new mask.

Assuming of course Captured is a space cop. I don't think anything in the early draft implies he is, just that he's
against Upgrade.

Captured being a space cop would account for the well maintained/new looking equipment. Although, I don't see him giving hybrid the "kiss of midnight". It's going to take a group effort to pull that off.

I'm leaning more towards a military but either works for me.


Quote from: Kaya on Jun 17, 2018, 01:38:04 AM
.............It looks like a duck. i'm sorry. Who the hell approved that mask.

Funny, I always thought City Hunter looked like a duck.


Quote from: Jigsaw85 on Jun 18, 2018, 01:05:18 PM
Quote from: Kaya on Jun 17, 2018, 01:38:04 AM
.............It looks like a duck. i'm sorry. Who the hell approved that mask.

Funny, I always thought City Hunter looked like a duck.

Yep the city hunters mask reminds me of a duck face lol. However, it's the most perfect predator mask imo


Indeed the city hunter's mask is the most duck like of the movie masks, which i love... In fact it's even my favourite one.


Watched predator 2 yesterday. I've seen the movie around 30 times, never gets old. It amazes me how damn good Kevin Peter hall played under that suit.the guy was a genius.



I love city hunter and all but nothing beats the original, mask included.


Quote from: Lionhart on Jun 18, 2018, 03:37:57 PM
Watched predator 2 yesterday. I've seen the movie around 30 times, never gets old. It amazes me how damn good Kevin Peter hall played under that suit.the guy was a genius.

Yeah, he definitely worked with the new setting and made it his own.  He transitioned from jungle to city like it was no big deal.


Joining to the team! Love the Duck face of City Hunter, and his desing too. Still think Predator 2 is very underrated. Even so agree that probably Stephen Hopkins not as talanted as John McTiernan.


Quote from: Wysps on Jun 19, 2018, 02:09:57 AM
Quote from: Lionhart on Jun 18, 2018, 03:37:57 PM
Watched predator 2 yesterday. I've seen the movie around 30 times, never gets old. It amazes me how damn good Kevin Peter hall played under that suit.the guy was a genius.

Yeah, he definitely worked with the new setting and made it his own.  He transitioned from jungle to city like it was no big deal.

Exactly my thoughts


I love both masks, if you held a gun to my head I think I'd go P2 though, I like the Bronze colour.

I've got both full size in the man cave. I don't mind this one, it's better than the Super Predators, I never really dug the bone thing.


Quote from: Highland on Jun 19, 2018, 06:34:34 AM
I love both masks, if you held a gun to my head I think I'd go P2 though, I like the Bronze colour.

I've got both full size in the man cave. I don't mind this one, it's better than the Super Predators, I never really dug the bone thing.

That I can agree on. Everything about the super pred was a damn joke imo.

Corporal Hicks

They're not Super Predators in the end. Nothing in the film portrays them as such.

As a completely different clan or ethnicity or sub-species or whatever, I still really like the Berserker Clan. The jaw-bone thing looks pretty wicked and I dug the red skin colouration.

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