Manumala noxhydria is canon now!

Started by Scorched Vuvalini, Sep 13, 2024, 04:20:16 AM

Manumala noxhydria is canon now! (Read 12,610 times)

Scorched Vuvalini

(I checked via search and didn't see this mentioned yet.)

Apologies for potato quality, but when I was looking at this scene, I noticed a bit under the "?? Printing Library" part that felt slightly familiar... Facehuggers had been given their own taxonomic binomial in a bit of EU literature, hadn't they? How did it go again...

Manumala noxhydria.

That seems to be a match for that blurry mess, wouldn't you say? The official digital & BD release will provide 100.0% confirmation, of course, but I think it's probably safe to say that, like Plagiarus praepotens, Manumala noxhydria has been entered into film canon!


I wonder who read Cold Forge.


I prefer the term facehugger myself.
I'm old school like that.
While we are at it, the whole plagiuarrioussss prabetoineias or whatever it is can get in the bin also.

Slutty Badger

Quote from: Scorched Vuvalini on Sep 13, 2024, 04:20:16 AMFacehuggers had been given their own taxonomic binomial in a bit of EU literature, hadn't they?


In 2179.



Quote from: Slutty Badger on Sep 13, 2024, 08:11:14 AM
Quote from: Scorched Vuvalini on Sep 13, 2024, 04:20:16 AMFacehuggers had been given their own taxonomic binomial in a bit of EU literature, hadn't they?


In 2179.




We're canonising the EU!

... by f**king it like we always do!





Such a great news.


Quote from: TheDerelict on Sep 13, 2024, 05:50:58 AMWhile we are at it, the whole plagiuarrioussss prabetoineias or whatever it is can get in the bin also.

You get in the bin mate.


Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Sep 13, 2024, 10:08:56 AM
Quote from: TheDerelict on Sep 13, 2024, 05:50:58 AMWhile we are at it, the whole plagiuarrioussss prabetoineias or whatever it is can get in the bin also.
You get in the bin mate.

I've never liked any of it.
Linguafoeda acheronsis
Internecivus raptus
Hydroxi nonkia
Darth Plagiarus the proepotens
Perfect organism...yawn. Watching a short controlled burst take care it ruins that statement.
Even the term xenomorph bores me.

I don't think they used any of those terms in Alien isolation and it's one of the best representations of the Alien, if not the best, since Big Chap.

And now hearing it in an actual motion picture confirms that it does nothing for me. And spoiler alert, I really like Romulus. It's a cool monster movie.

I like my alien to be more Alien. Unknown in a way.
Right now it sounds more like something that Charles Dawin wrote a book about.

"It's an 8 foot creature of some kind, with acid for blood, kills on sight and is generally unpleasant."
Sounds a lot better.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Shall I get back in the bin now or would you like to proceed with the gutting? 🙃


I only like Plagarius Praepotens because it serves a purpose narratively speaking. Unlike the other names which are just that.


Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Sep 13, 2024, 10:50:26 AMI only like Plagarius Praepotens because it serves a purpose narratively speaking. Unlike the other names which are just that.

What purpose is that?


It gives a name to a substance with (often anyway) plot relevance.

It is not fancy terminology for the sake of it.



Like facehuggers and Aliens don't have plot relevance... ?

Surely you can't think that's a good explanation?


Fair enough. Thats cool.

When Bishop said "embryo implantation" that was good enough for me.

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