So, Anyone interested in seeing AVP 2010 BC on Xbox One?

Started by AMITY_PREDATOR, Feb 19, 2018, 10:24:10 PM

So, Anyone interested in seeing AVP 2010 BC on Xbox One? (Read 44,343 times)

PredAlien BG386

Local Trouble

I got some butts!  ;D

Corporal Hicks

Just downloading stuff now. Wonder if the multiplayer is working?

Local Trouble

The timing has me suspicious that this may be a December freebie.


No Xbox One X enhancements unfortunately.

Corporal Hicks



Oh what I would give for this on PS4. just to get the remaining MultiPlayer Trophies....

But hopefully next week we will see a new Alien Game at the Game Awards!

Local Trouble


Quote from: RidgeTop on Nov 29, 2018, 08:21:14 PM
No Xbox One X enhancements unfortunately.

No,  but it does Still look smoother on the X.  But hopefully there will be X specific enhancements.

Local Trouble

They can always give us X enhancements later.  It depends on the game's popularity, I think.


Played last night, Acidglow was there! Fast loading times on the xb1x. Played 9 player tdm as marine. We actually won on refinery! :D

Corporal Hicks

The Scified of YouTube.  :-X

I left this one downloading this morning. Looking forward to giving it a bash! Happy to hear multiplayer is working, though!

Local Trouble


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Nov 30, 2018, 08:31:35 AM
The Scified of YouTube.  :-X

I left this one downloading this morning. Looking forward to giving it a bash! Happy to hear multiplayer is working, though!

i cannot stand acidglow.

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