Robert Rodriguez Chat Summary

Started by Darkness, Apr 01, 2010, 06:12:13 PM

Robert Rodriguez Chat Summary (Read 18,664 times)

Bio Mech Hunter

Whoah... my posts DID go through... bizarre...

Anyway, I think it was quite obvious that the Preds in the first two films were males. If Fox ever goes the way of the comics/novels and introduces "bigger, superior" female Preds (which outright defies logic and common sense), I think I'll be done with it. lol



Female Predators... DAMN!!! not in the film, they'll be Badass! ;)



no way the blood will be black :/ that'd ruin everything that happened since 1987.



shame to read that original predator's fate stayed the same :(

Federick Gonsa

Where did they mention the the character switches? I saw the thing on you tube and did not hear that anywhere.

Brian the Wolf

I liked the leaked draft, it had its flaws, but they were simple things that could be fixed easily. I think including a clan war on screen would be trying to do to much on screen, and wont work to well, if they leave it be with the three hunters, plus the captive predator would be perfect. I think simplisety is key here.



Cant wait to see two Preds ripping each other masks off! >:D



I dont think he meant we would see an actual war between the clans. I took it that we are to assume there are warring tribes



Is predator 2 "ignored" or completely 'erased' in his eyes? I can see them not mentioning it, but to contradict its existence would be dumb. Predator 2 was just great.



Hey Dash?pred.2 wasnt really that good.the acting sucked and the script was cheesey.i have to say tho that the pred 2 was the most awesome pred of all so far.the pred and his gear unmatched.he just looked pissed off vary cool pred.he and his gear made the movie not the acters.just hope rodrigeuz does a better job with these characters?

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

Now no one said that the original Pred's fate stays the same, they just said his ROLE stays the same. And I think the only bit of the "war" on the clans is when you see that we have 3 bad ass preds and they basicly beat the shit out of the other one and then tied him up like in the leaked draft.

btw does anyone know what the role the 3rd pred has? I know we have the head dude, I know we have a poacher like pred with the animals, and whats with the other one?



Seriously..., some of you want female predators?  C'mon, what's next...are they going to start rolling up into battle in a f**king prius



Guys relax , all the answers you looking for are when you watch the movie

on a side note i really don't like the idea of female predators come on, gald they said no to that one


People who are upset about no female preds: i read in one of my Predator book that the predator can shenge it sex for mating reasons, so technically they have no sex ;)  . and i dont get why this new movie wouldnt have anything to do with Predator 2 or AVP or AVPR :-\  and im glad to hear that the planet this movie will be taking place on isnt the pred home world cuz it doesnt look like the home world shown in :)  AVPR :)

Lame, AVP all over again

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