Predators Royce Feature

Started by Darkness, Mar 25, 2010, 06:13:20 AM

Predators Royce Feature (Read 12,064 times)



Fox has released a new behind-the-scenes segment about Adrien Brody’s character Royce. It’s over a minute long and like the previous sneak-peak, it’s narrated by Robert Rodriguez. You can watch it over on YouTube.

The Official Predators website also has placeholders for three other character feature videos. Edwin’s will be out on the 30th March, Isabelle’s on 6th April and finally Cuchillo’s on 13th April. Thanks to CWRadin, Johnny Handsome and Eric for the news.

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The Pointman

The Pointman

I am really starting to like this character. He just seems really bad ass.



well it just shows with a big gun even adrien brody can be a badass. 8)



That AA12 with the drum clip is a beast...

The Pointman

The Pointman

Even without the gun he is still a bad ass.....though the gun is freakin' sweet.



I'm glad that they're not giving too much new footage away and I really think that these characters are going to be a return to form for the Predator franchise.  No more goofy cops or civilians.



It will be a good movie..I think...And Adrien Brody looks better than before.



We don't know if it will be a good movie, son! >:D
But I like that we have another Predator movie with a good cast. Adrien looks pretty tight as ace here. :-*



Yes they definetly castet the right guy! I'm completely won over by Brody... hiring such actors like him who got an oscar shows that they are serious this time around and not making a amateur-movie like avp 2



Maybe Trejo lives a bit longer than the script, seeing as he gets a feature. I really hope so, Trejo is a badass.



love what they are doing as far as character development. caring about the characters=much better movie



this movies getting alot of good hype man. i hope rodgiuez proves me wrong? i want 2 see this franchise get a fresh start! there could be alot of great predator movies 2 come after this.i'm still in doubt.but it does look kinda i said before avpr lookd good to until the movie came out and it sucked!!!



thue..AVP-R looked good in the trailer, but you can see a huge difference in quality just by comparing THAT trailer to the PREDATORS teaser.



I have my reservations regarding the choice of brody as a supposedly hardass, uncompromising, stone killer...

Brody never looks like that, despite the obvious bodybuilding training he seems to have had!

Even so, he doesn't look capable of fighting a Predator on his own turf! That is why I think Arnie was more credible to fight the Predator in the first movie...He had the body of a westler! brody does not, even with more toned muscles!

I like him, but I don't think he is the best choice to play this character... Hopefully, the movie will prove me wrong! :-\

Flaming Firefox

Flaming Firefox

wow he got ripped for this :o   I'm getting better vibes the more I see of this movie :)

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