No Arnie Cameo for Predators

Started by Darkness, Mar 19, 2010, 02:12:39 PM

No Arnie Cameo for Predators (Read 33,758 times)



As we all know, over the past few months, there’s been rumours of a cameo appearance from Arnold Schwarzenegger in the new Predators movie.  There’s more news over on TheArnoldFans who attended an event last weekend. Producer Robert Rodriguez apparently said that there will not be an appearance from Arnie.

This past weekend, writer/producer Robert Rodriguez allowed 45 lucky  fans the opportunity to see teasers and trailers for his new film. He  also confirmed a rumor that we all feared true: Arnold will not be  making an appearance in Predators. Very disappointing indeed. To his  credit, Rodriguez did approach Schwarzenegger when he began writing the  first draft for the movie. It has also been reported that Rodriguez even  offered to push back the movie's production start date until after  Arnold had vacated the Governor's mansion. Unfortunately, none of these  tactics worked and we are now less than four months away from an  Arnold-less Predator movie.

Thanks to jordan for the news.

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I'd rather have a cameo appearance from Greyback;)


Doesn't bother me. No need for an old wrinkled Dutch cameo.



I think it's better off



Oh, that´s shity. I would like to see the Governer back in Predators. Please guys don´t hate me for that!

the pointman

the pointman

I actually really don't mind. I think the movie is better off without it really.



What Arnie did for the first film, needs no recharge. I can say that I am happy that they wont be going with the ending we all read in that leaked script.  Besides, the Governator has bigger fish to fry.

stealth bunny

It's a shame, could have been cool.

Pred The Barbarian

If he gave Arnie the script that leaked, I can understand why he didn't want to do it.



well, I think this could be a distraction. I will believe that arnold is not in the movie, when I watched it and he really didn't appeared.






Um, I think it's better there's no Arnie cameo. It would remind us too much of the original would could work against this film.



The Cameo lined up for Arnold was a terrible, terrible cameo. It didnt fit the character of Dutch at all... and it was just a bad ending all together.

Im sighing a giant "THANK GOD" on this one.



I can only concur with you :)



It's too bad the cameo in the leaked script was so awful.  When I read the script the perfect cameo opportunity could have been with the Nolan character.  Of course it would have to be re written to feature the Dutch character instead of Nolan.  But since neither will happen, I just hope this film turns out well for what it is.

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