More Predators Interviews & Live Chat

Started by Darkness, Mar 17, 2010, 07:33:43 PM

More Predators Interviews & Live Chat (Read 9,946 times)



Anyone who has read the script will tell you that this film is going to be a let-down. Not to mention how RIDICULOUS Dutch's cameo fits into the 'story'

Predator:Bounty hunter

Predator:Bounty hunter

Thanks man. :-\  
I love your trailer man.
Be the best of Predators history ;)  ;)


I'm still excited to see this film but using original lines from the other films is a bit crappy.



i know its 12 almost they know were waiting on it like you think there going to wait till tonight? i hope not



Well at least there actors who can deliver the lines from the first one, without it being cheesy..just give it a chance wait till you see the movie to past judgement cant be no worse that the AVP movies or alien 3 or 4



god its 2:30 would they just put it on there already isnt there anyway to contact fox..protest send them millions of emails to put it on now..they suck they better be lucky we are hard core fans

shred predator

shred predator

where the heck is the trailer??? Today IS the 18th right?!?!?


This man looks focused, which is more than I can say about the AVP:R directors.

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