Started by Darkness, Mar 17, 2010, 07:33:43 PM
There’s a new eight-minute interview with Predators director Nimród Antal over on FilmSchoolRejects. This was done at the recent SXSW event in Texas. He generally talks about his experiences in shooting the film. There’s also a short interview with Adrien Brody, Topher Grace and Walton Goggins on They mention that classic lines from Predator are spoken in the movie.
Finally, you can participate in a live chat with Robert Rodriguez tomorrow over on He will be online three times tomorrow at 5AM, 12PM and 7PM PST Time (that’s 12PM, 7PM and 2AM UK Time) and fans will be able to ask him anything about Predators. Let’s not forget the Predators Teaser Trailer will be going live tomorrow so look out for that. Thanks to Lt. Mike Harrigan and Bear Grylls for the news.
*The Live Chat has been postponed until March 31st now.
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