First Predators Movie Footage!!!

Started by Darkness, Mar 13, 2010, 07:15:03 AM

First Predators Movie Footage!!! (Read 26,934 times)



the pred vision, that shot was taken from avpr?

Predator 3

Cool. Got my fingers crossed and hope it does justice to the first 2 films.


is it jus me or does one of the preds have tusks? if you look a the gallery and find the picure of a pred holdin up the dude with the gattling gun he defo looks like he got Chaos Terminators.

good to see old painless is back too :P

AVP kicks ass

AVP kicks ass




yea it has tusks, im guessing this is wher his character will die, we see him running in the tunel and being shot down, then crawling away with the foot of the pred visible and then this pic, wher if u look at the hand its not actualy holding him up so it must be the blades in him


@Bio Mech Hunter

true... imagine if James Cameron designed the film. Now that would be scary as He**

AVP kicks ass

AVP kicks ass

Laurence Fishburne looks Epic



This actually looks... great! I'm glad that there are quite a bit of resemblences to the original (rattling, "over here", "anytime", Blade desigs, architecture of surrounding, finger nails of the BSP... it actually has won my hope in contrast to those poor leaked pictures 2 months before
Well I guess that the one in the background of the homepage and with the Single blade is BSP. The Mask designs actually look better than on the pics, especially the one with the tusks. The one releasing the Pred-Dog looks like the most exotic one... I'm still sceptical about him...
BTW: I'm glad that sometimes you can see that it's a guy in a suit... better than if you can see that it's CGI


The CG predator "dogs" have me worried. The addition of a new monster is, most often, a sign that there isn't a whole lot of story to tell and they would rather sell toys than make good movies.

It does look very, very different though. Personally, I like the idea of a predator as a lone hunter... I just can't see a group of guys in a setting that is cultivated for them to be hunted in by predators surviving an attack by one, let alone a bunch.



I just vomited in my mouth a little just from the main page screen shot.  Time to take a closer look....



At the last part of the teaser, you will hear the phares "Over Here~" and "Turnaround~". The exact same dialogue from the first Predator. Could be a hint or a coincidence.



oh boy - what the f**k happened to Lawrence Fishbourne?



It's extremely likely that they won't actually use "Over here" and "Anytime" at all in the film, if Robert Rodriguez is as competent as I remember him. Those samples were from Mac used by the first predator who, as we all remember fondly, was crushed by one of Dutch's traps. And exploded.

These predators wouldn't have the audio samples, and it wouldn't make sense for them to try to lure their prey with an unfamiliar voice.

The most likely case is that most of the sounds and music cues we hear are placeholders, as you'll undoubtedly recognize the same exact predator roar and the Alan Silvestri drum cues hear and there. This is actually pretty common for sneak peeks and things like this, to have temporary sounds or such, and also common for marketing to use familiar elements to elicit feelings of nostalgia for fans.



I really feel this is going to be another cheap movie.
I love Brody, Fishbourne is quite charming, but director... Most known movie is Armored? And what was it? A cheap suspense flick with well known actors. For my taste of course.
I feel like AvP is really declining in quality and that is sad. With such a start at 80ies, now all the mixes are pathethic. Games were quite ok, but even the last one is more of a multiplayer massacre rather than a story deeply delving in a futuristically captivating universe.
Underline is - the potential of the franchise is being constantly misused.



True, but they did say this movie is a reinvented version, so im guessing the first predator movie never actually tie in to this one since it doesn't. This movie takes place in an alternate opening where the main character in Predator2 was kidnap instaed of running around hunting the pred. In other words, anything can happen~

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