First Predators Movie Footage!!!

Started by Darkness, Mar 13, 2010, 07:15:03 AM

First Predators Movie Footage!!! (Read 26,933 times)

Gnome Smasher

Gnome Smasher

I read online that the Predators trailer is attached to this Friday's release of Repo Men.


I'm interested. Well it certainly helps that there aren't any ADI predaliens or aliens in the movie. The shots look as if they're from something I have plans to see.



did any one notice the hanging predator towards left center on the post at like 1:10?



In this segment Alex talks about how he became attached to Predators 2010. He describes his relationship to the Predator franchise (including Predator, Predator 2, and the Alien V.S. Predator films). He also discusses Arnold Schwarzenegger's involvement with the franchise. Alex shares his experience of writing with Robert Rodriguez. He also talks about writing as a fan and for the fans. Check back soon for more from Alex Litvak.



to Alientailwhip, I dont think this could possibly be the pred from the first movie, only referred to as the original as in design/costume, which will always be the best to any true fan!  As to Nolan wearing the pred gear, it only makes sense to put on A, the helmet to see the preds while they are cloaked, B, the armour, because it no doubt is stronger than human armour and would protect you better.  Anyone wanting to stay alive on this place would try to even the odds as best they can.  I dont believe they are making him a pred warrior such as in the comic books with machiko. That is a concept I am not a fan of.


Well i took a look at the sneak peak at Predators. Like i said before and i'll say it again. i still have a big worries about this movie. I just dont like the idea of humans being on the predators' homeworld being hunted which i find very out of place. but this movie sounds too much like Aliens with humans instead of fighting aliens they're fighting the predators. i like the idea of one or multiple predators hunting prey on different planets instead of this plot idea. i still wont see it since fox screwed us TRUE fans of the franchise twice with the horrible AVP movies directed by assholes and fox is just milking this series till it dries up. i will check out the full trailer to see about but i wont see the movie in theaters not wasting my money to see this movie after being disappointed with both AVP movies. I will however see the new Alien prequel directed by Ridley Scott which i have more faith in instead of Robert Rodriguez's Predators.

The Sheriff






Yeah i still want a trailer to pass judgement, even then ill wait like 2 weeks after its released to read the reviews of it and see whether its worth forking out $20 to see it.


OH man cant wait!!



Sooo cool can't wait. I hope it is good.!!!! Love the concept art very much.   ;)  



@ Alien Tail Whip:
Its NOT the same Predator from the first movie, its just the same DESIGN, specifically from the same race or clan of the first Predator. This is a sequel, so our good friend from the first film will not be in this. The Predators that you see in this sneak peak are the "evil Predators" (if predators werent evil enough). I'm looking forward to seeing the original Predator design in this film... (spoiler) and to him duke it out with the evil predators



Funny reading all 3 pages of this, and you still have idiots saying "I don't like that the humans are on the Predator homeworld." How many times do you need to be corrected? IT ISN'T THE PREDATOR HOMEWORLD. If you've watched the sneak peek footage 100 times, then why aren't you paying attention to the fact that they say they are being hunted on a game preserve?



As for Nolan wearing Predator gear, it's because he's amassed a collection of various weaponry -- from Predator(s) and god knows what. He's a survivor. He isn't playing dress up. He hasn't been inducted into the Predator hall of fame. He's not a member of the Hunter's Lair.



I know i cant wait to see the predators duke it out..Warghost i agree people keep calling it the homeworld like they didnt see the trailer..I got a QUESTION is there going to be a female predator in here anyone heard anything about that?

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