Predators Hawaii Set Pictures

Started by Darkness, Jan 06, 2010, 08:12:57 PM

Predators Hawaii Set Pictures (Read 19,289 times)



lol shit stirring is what i do best, i reckon if we dont go in there expecting it to top Predator we will be alright, we thought AvP was gonna be massive.....


Only a matter of time until we see the Bl@ck S00pah Pr3dat0rs in all their retarded glory.



The one crate is in a tree...hope the dog didn't get hurt falling out of the tree. LOL!



its survior and hightech natives are going to skin you and use your face as  dipers for there kids  .welcome whos to be voted off this week, and who gets a plasma blast to the chest.



There's no need to use the crate picture to determine that this film will be awful, you just need to use the script.  No director can make a good film of a terrible script (and believe me, the script really is bad).  Don't even bother hoping, just expect this film to be hilariously bad and enjoy it as such. Bad films can almost be as enjoyable as good ones, if you watch it in the right way.



It looks like my backyard if i don't cut the grass and the crates look like cardboard. Yes....I am talking smack about the crates!!!!!! Why? Because these are pictures of my over grown backyard and boxes that are supposed to look like metal crates.   Now where's more pictures so we can talk MORE smack about them.



And then more people cry about the crates?  Jesus christ you guys.  Thank god the Alien / Predator franchises are even getting attention like they've been.  I just think it's sad that so many of the "fans" are so quick to negatively judge something by early images.  Honestly I'm excited about a new Predator film, I'm sure I'll appreciate this film no matter what.



Indeed Lol.



i agree some ppl cant judge pictures from someone with a camera, there is no finished film yet to be realesed, the film would probably look darker and filled with a lot of cgi alien jungle animals, dont judge guys just wait, and trust me this film is going to be awsome.



"Predators vs Lost" so this is what happen to the island after they boomed it. haha. Come on guys, there is only so much you can do with $40 mil, if that?. Its not like they had $400 mil to make pocahontis with blue aliens. Or over $100 mil to make mad max on water. No, this is a small action/sifi movie. Thats all you can expect. Oh, with crappy crates. hahaha. As long as i see a Predator skin a man alive and not just have someones say it, i'll be happy. With movies like Saw and Hostil out there, that souldn't be hard.



Cool  pictures but purebreedalien is right I think the black super predators could make this movie not bad but not as good



well said neon night  how many people dont watch onemillion bc because in all reality its pants yet when u do watch it u think that was alright ,to say people never met dinosaurs or wore make up



Just wait for the post production elements to be finishd and a few Yautja Predators cloaked in this unfinished alien jungle scenario!!!! I think we as fans are in good enough hands. Nimrod was the studios first choice director after Robert Rodriges declined. The script is lacking in some areas I  Agree. But it has potential!!! I don't expect it to be better than the original "PREDATOR" though. I just want to see the Predators interacting accordingly in their own planet with two suns, hunting bigger advesaries.

Predator Bounty Hunter

Predator Bounty Hunter

PBH:What the hell you get than?

Le Celticant asshole

Le Celticant asshole

Le Celticant | 06 Jan 2010 20:45 2  shut up mega dumbass make a movie and after we see it f**king asshole   >:(  

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