Predators Filming in Hawaii

Started by Darkness, Aug 28, 2009, 08:11:43 PM

Predators Filming in Hawaii (Read 9,421 times)



As we already know, Robert Rodriguez is shooting the majority of Predators at Troublemaker Studios in Texas. They will now reportedly be filming in Hawaii too according to Tim Ryan's Reel Hawaii.

August 20th – Scouts and other execs for the 20th Century Fox's big budget feature Predators have already visited Kauai and the Big Island for possible two weeks of filming beginning in October. Predators' execs seem to be so taken by the Big Island they're scheduled to return next week making it nearly three weeks. The Big Island at this point has the upper hand, sources said....The BIg Island's Gail Pyburn is coordinating local locations scouting...

August 25th – Scouts for 20th Century Fox's $40-million creature feature are back on the Big Island for their third week of scouting Hawaii most of it where a lot of jungles have been looked at. The production would film for 18 days with an October start if the Hawaii portion is a go. That decision is expected to be made very soon...Some Hawaii production execs are being contacted about availability...

In related news, the cinematographer on Predators will be Gyula Pados who did Kontroll, also directed by Nimród Antal. Thanks to Darkoo and Johnny Handsome for the news.

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Chris P

Chris P

Haha, man. This film will never come out. Cause the actors will be too busy enjoying fun in the sun.    :D    I know if I was set to film in Hawaii, I would take a "sick" day for sure.    ;)    No, i'm joking.  This does sound good though, at least we'll see a more Predator-like setting in the film.



Hawaii,have nice jungles ,least is place thie set to movies likes Jurassick Park and  1º Indiana Jones. Hawaii sound nice to me. @Rob  Can you , explain to me ,what is real thing propose of Egg Morphing in Alien?  @RakaiThwei  I´m have 3 questions, about Predators script/movie:  Is Producer John Davis (same producer the kill AvP:R) ivolved this movie ?  The Predators script have some female-predators, or  diferent point aspet from the predators society, in scrpt? - Predators have some inspirantion from the 1º game  Unreal?Because The Skaarj have they same atitudes  Predators have in script.(the slaves ,genectic crossover and cybernetic implants and torture thing cooperation in the human /alien weapon ...)  @Cpt.Lewis  The Alien Newborn have 2 designs in 2 scripts A:R,  the the alien/spider vampire and humanoid, but hear in  scripts from Eric Red and David Twohy , thie have on Newbors.Are thier designs same or are  diferent thing ?



Interesting news    :)  

pvt. hicks

pvt. hicks

See? The cinematographer? This is more an Antal film than a Rodriguez film.

stealth bunny

stealth bunny

I dunno about big budget @ 40 million dollars, but if the director has a good vision it could be enough. Predators vs expendables wold be an awesome film!!!



Clovers, 'egg morphing' is exactly what it sounds like: A way for the original Alien to make eggs (remember, this was before anyone thought up the concept of a Queen; now it's considered an 'emergency' method).  The two 'Predator' films came about long before the 'Unreal' franchise was probably even dreamde of, by the way.  And forget trying to reconcile the unused scripts for 'Alien 3' with the different drafts of 'Alien Resurrection'.   :)  



come on it will be cool my boys, just wait and see.



I can't believe were getting another Predator movie. Hope it turns out good.



Clover Xenomorphien pritty much arnsered the question. this is better than what i was going to say   :D  



@Xenomorphine and @Rob thanks.   :D   He can say the junior Quenn predalien Reproduction Method is also 'emergency' method, or just ``one close topic.´´? Is Predalien action figure from Neca ,good thing to buy? Now I´m whant Predators have  jungles like  the ones see in James Cameron's Avatar  have on trailer.   :)  



There is no officially accepted reproductive cycle: The Predalien one contradicted what was in the other films. Fox has no apparent interest in making sure its own films adhere to canon.



The Neca's Predalien a good buy, I have one im pleased with her. Theres 2 of them, one with the Mandibles open & one with the Mandibles closed, i have the open Mandible one, i finde this one better looking than the closed one. She hase grate detail as well.   ;)  



Yes,I´m hate the predalien in movie , but I´m like the predalien in AvP comics. @Rob I´m have two book:  AvP  Omnibus Volume 1 and old Remastered Aliens Labyrinth.Now think to buy , the Aliens Omnibus  Volume 3, 4 and 5. But  have some question about Omnibus 3. Is tale of Aliens: Rogue  that good? And Labyrinth collects in this book , is same  that  I´m  have ,or is more completed?

daniel clavette

daniel clavette

That is truly cool their are filming in hawaii in the new predator movies.

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