Robert Rodriguez Interviews

Started by Darkness, Jul 31, 2009, 01:25:13 PM

Robert Rodriguez Interviews (Read 12,166 times)



Folkes , this is a divorce ,no more AvP movies.Robert Rodriguez  and Ridley Scott and Camreonn Allways think AvP is Estipid crossover.The movies are fallery because Fox put dicks Director `s charnge.Olly Hope is AvP Not dead in comics and Games, becuase of this.

daniel clavette

daniel clavette

I hope that 20 century fox will be making more alien and predator solo movies in the future and no more alien vs predator movie as well.



Can someone please explain what sort of 'closure' Dutch's character still needs? It was already had, at the end of the first film!



Presonally i think predator 2 deserves to be a part of this series just as much as predators does. and if they want to disregard it then il be realy upset. unless the film is actually better then predator 2, which i don't think will happen.



predator 2 being disregarded would'nt upset me, predator 2 did alot of unnecesery things i mean suposedly theres a gang war in L.A.. in 97 which really takes alot of realism from the story for me and danny glover is not someone qualified to deal with a predator it was like lethal weapon with a pred and was'nt the kind of 80's sci-fi/action thriller i was looking for...



A gang war in LA is what made Pred 2 seem unrealistic? Seriously? It wasn't the extraterrestrial beings, the space ships or the lasers?  Imo, Pred 2 was a worthy addition to the series, and deserves to remain so. Granted, it wasn't quite as good as the first, but that doesn't mean it was a bad film.   And for God's sake have any of you guys read the script? Seriously its worse than Alien Resurrection. When this movie drops, I think Robert Rodriguez is going to be at the business end of the same rage that the Strauss Bros. got after AVPR.



Predator 2 is a good film.   And thats all that needs to be said.



You read the script    :o      :o      :o  



The Predator character, scenes, action and story from Predator 2 were just as good as the first movie (thanks to Stan Winston and the director) and make it an enjoyable movie to watch as a predator fan. but the human story could of been handled a lot differently. I like Danny Glovers performance and character, but it would have been more believable if he had packed on 10-15 kg of muscle and his character could have been an ex-special forces guy turned cop.



i would like the location and sub plot to keep the story grounded and direct the focus twoard the pred



Im not to sure about this robert guy.



I like Predator 2. Its nowhere near as good as the original, but it definitely has the vibe of a Predator sequel. I've read/seen a lot of interviews by Robert Roriguez over the years, and he comes across as a pompous prick to me. All the special effects an "ensemble casts" in the world arent going to sway my love for Predator 2. I wish they would re-think this re-boot bullsh*t and just expand on its existing universe.   >:D  



be nice to have a pred2 pred useing hsi voice record to phuck with you  mind games with it ehheh "want some candy"? also yes honorcode yes but for once let the goddamn predators win! you whould think after  battleing som many  spiaces they whould win for once.



I read on "" that Arnold will be back to the movie career buisness. He is making a movie with a couple other guys that might be called True Lies 2 as soon as his job of being governer ends next year. But in order for him to either star or have a camo in Predators, he will have to start getting into work now but there is no way. Maybe he can make some time and have a small apperance, but starring is a whole other different question. Most likely he will have a small role. But i think they are going to have a no name small skinny guy to star. They are not going to have another big muscle head like Arnold again. Unless the one and only Arnold schwarzenegger can play his role as Major Allen Dutch Schaefer who everybody loved. There are two things that made Predator Predator. One is of course the Predator itself and another is the big muscle head Arnold. But who knows maybe this new guy will be just as good or even better. Its not always the looks that makes a good actor or actress. But Personality and skills. You can have the biggest ugliest 500 pounder star as long as he is good. This is the point that i am trying to enlighten and expand. I hope everyone has my support and agrees with me.



Brian, I'm not sure what we're supposed to be agreeing on.... that there are better actors than Arnold Schwarzenegger? No kidding. Personally, I dont want him coming back to the Predator franchise. I lost interest in him when he started "governating" California.

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