Neil Marshall For Predators?

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 12, 2009, 01:36:57 PM

Neil Marshall For Predators? (Read 12,566 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

This is certainly interesting. According to Bloody Disgusting Fox is almost close to signing Neil Marshall to direct Predators:

“I’m sure the boys over at Aint it Cool News can confirm this with Rodriguez when it’s official, but Bloody-Disgusting is being told that NEIL MARSHALL is close to signing on to direct PREDATORS for 20th Century Fox. To be clear, the deal is NOT SIGNED just yet, but getting closer.”

I would have thought he’d be more likely to direct an Alien film – in fact there were rumors about him being involved in Alien 5 – but he’s certainly a fantastic director. Seems like Fox are taking these new films seriously. Thanks to Undeadite for the link.

UPDATE: Aint It Cool News has confirmed that Marshall is one of the directors Rodriguez is looking at: “I can tell you with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that Neil Marshall is one of about 7 names that Robert is looking at and meeting with right now. Neil wants this gig badly, but then so do the other folks.”

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The Descent was great. Loved that movie. Not sure if his style would be suitable for a Predator movie though.



His first film, Dog Soldiers, was very much along the lines of a low budget Predator movie. I think this is pretty promising.

Corporal Hicks

I know. That's why I always wanted him for Alien. I really loved Descent. It actually scared me.

Commander Griker




And I cant wait for descent II :)



He might be the man to pull it off who knows



Neil Marshall can't be any worse than Paul WS Anderson and the Brothers Strause.

The Ultimate Predator

Once again, everyone forgets his other two films; Dog Soldiers and Doomsday, show perfectly that he can do a Predator film.



Yes, we can!



We just need a director that has a true passion for Predator or Alien movies, a Director who knows what the fans really want to see..  If we get someone like that the movie could be great, if its an Alien or Predator movie



This could be a good move, neil marshall is a good director. Desent was very very good and dog soldiers was also an enjoyable film. But can he pull it off? lets wait and see, im more than happy with the news. Lets see who they get for the lead actor, then its time to get excited. COME ON.



well that was out of the blue........great choice,as this guy can make a good film.ive enjoyed all of his movies so far.i think he is a producer on descent II.doomsday was silly but fun and dog soldiers is the nuts.things are actually looking up.



Hell yes.  He basically just mish mashed all of the good parts of alien and predator into Dog Soldiers and Descent, I like it. (I know that was a gross over simplification.)


He's got his hands full already, First the Descent 2 and now Predators!!   :-\  

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