Nimrod Antal Top Contender for Predators

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 23, 2009, 07:28:15 PM

Nimrod Antal Top Contender for Predators (Read 8,573 times)



anal nimrod , thats funny as hell.  good one Shrek.   I'd take any actor that wants to direct that was in either of the predator films.  I'm 100% for Gary Busey directing it. Bill Duke would do though.  I'm gonna have me some fun!



I thourght Fox was thinking of either Michael J. Bassett or Neil Marshall, who the hell are the outher directors!!



I will go with Neil Marshall.


just watched vaccancy, it was ok. reminded me a little of the strangers which is a far superior film.  still, i dont think marshal would be right for predator. we need a director thats capable of delivering both action and suspense. doomsday is what happand when marshell attempted both with a big budget. i loved the descent and dog soldiers tho.


His name's gonna be mocked so much more than it already is now if he makes the film and f**ks it up...



Please dont make this movie.... The script was dreadful. I know they are rewriting it but anytime they say they are rewriting anything its because they know its trash, and usually it ends up even worse.

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