Rodriguez Talks Predators

Started by Darkness, May 07, 2009, 07:17:36 PM

Rodriguez Talks Predators (Read 14,163 times)



Brilliant.  I was a bit upset when I heard about a 'remake'. That would have been terrible - like trying to remake 'Blade Runner' - impossible.



A reboot is just as bad as a f**kin remake. They are still erasing history and starting over, which is depressing and unecessary. They really only made 2 Predator movies! What series needs reboot after 2? At least with Friday the 13th they got 11 movies out of it before they restarted everything. This is ridiculous...reboot a series that only started in 87. The funny thing is that nobody is going to the theater to see this because of it being a "reboot". That won't trick average movie goers into seeing it, so there's no reason to do that. An unrelated sequel like Predator 2 would be fine. Rodriguez honestly was one of my favorite film makers, but forget it now, after this news. He's sold out.



It says it is intended as a sequel/reboot. I guess that means they will be different Commandos/Mercenaries and 'Dutch' will not be appearing.

city hunter

city hunter

Hey hey f**k you, f**k you in the ass

city hunter

city hunter

No im just kidding guys i think it will be good



"We'll take the character everybody loves, but let's rethink it and make it for the time. Because the first one was made 20-plus years ago. So you want to do something more updated." = This movie will suck.  Whenever movies come along that purposely contradict what was great (ahem, T3...) or tell us to "Forget what you know" about originals, all I can feel is... Why? There's a REASON they're classics... How 'bout daring to take on new ideas that ARE out there, Hollywood? *Gasp* what a concept.

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