Arnie Cameo for Predators?

Started by Darkness, May 22, 2009, 07:16:43 PM

Arnie Cameo for Predators? (Read 15,770 times)



There’s a small piece on MovieHole about Arnold Schwarzenegger making a very small cameo appearance in the upcoming Predators movie. It’s just speculation on their part, I think. They say he may appear as one of the prisoners in the ‘prison camp’.

…Robert Rodriguez is writing a part in his new “Predator” sequel (smugly titled “Predators”) for ‘Dutch’ himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yeah, no surprise really. Anyway, what I’ve heard – and again, don’t take this to the bank until I can get some kind of confirmation, but it would be nifty – is that cigar-chompin’ Dutch may appear (and when I say appear, I mean the appearance could be as long as his cameo in the forthcoming “The Expendables” – so not much at all) as one of the prisoners in the ‘Prison Camp’ that the film’s set in, or, the character may be reintroduced another way – say as a relative (read : father) to the new male lead. I’m thinking a deal for Arnie to appear probably won’t happen overnight, but just a heads up that the wheels may be in motion for a guestie by the big guy.

Thanks to Pvt. Hicks for the news.

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:)  I hope he does cameo, but then again, what's up with the prison camp?

Commander Griker

Arnie will be CGI like in T4



Uh, not just for the sake of a cameo thanks. It can still refer to Dutch without having to show him in the flesh. With all the hype about Arnie's cameo at the end of AVP that amounted to nothing, I'm not getting my hopes up here either. Still, T4 has opened some doors for this 'pasting technology' over stand-ins. Perhaps we may one day see a feature using this technique full time.

Commander Griker

They say he may appear as one of the prisoners in the 'prison camp'.  WTF No!!!!!!!  i can understand him making a cameo of him at his age holding a cane talking about his encounter from the first film

Commander Griker

or even a cgi cameo but he should make a cameo appearance as old man dutch

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

The more I hear about this, the more I don't like it, and I actually like all alien, predator and AVP, to a point, I guess I just don't like remake or reboots, there is no point, and so far I am not liking Mr. Rodriguez very much.



i don't think Arnie's appearance will affect the movie too much!!!

Oh no

Oh no

Predators taking prisoners????? What's next An alien film with xenos sucking on lilopops while watching Cartoon Network???  FAIL!



Predators taking human prisoners???   They´re hunters!!Their life is all about hunting prey...  Why would predators want to keep human prisoners?? To play chess??  WTF!?



Guys this news item was posted on Monday so its nothing new for us here in oz.  Ever since then we've heard nothing more about it so it's anyones guess as to what role Dutch will play (if he's written in it at all).

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

@ Weyland: I here that mate. I'm finding it hard to be enthusiastic for this at the moment. Especially after putting myself through the original script...if this is based off that script then we have nothing to really look forward to.    :-\  



Yeah! This is the kind of new would be pleased our friend Brian!



hahah this movie is gunna suck big!! Im more excited for the AVP3 game than this movie... Still think they should have waited and created a good Alien script.



They lost me at "prisoner camp".....  I'm all for a cameo but this could get ugly.

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