AICN Talk To Robert Rodriguez

Started by Darkness, Apr 25, 2009, 06:54:12 PM

AICN Talk To Robert Rodriguez (Read 18,024 times)


hey g-man!!  that was my idea of a rogue predator coming to earth with no honor and it kills everything and everyone he finds on earth. like from predator 2 having the predator seeing two kids with toy guns and the predator blasts them and having the predator hunt. also the idea of having bounty hunter predators hunting for this rogue predator. was all my idea too. great minds thinks alike. thats what predator 3 should be about and not some dumbass remake.



Sounds like Fox just scoured for any old scraps lying around to make a new Pred movie, cause from what I remember, Rodriguez's script for Predators was pretty bad. Though maybe the franchise needs someone to take it into a new direction anyway cause I definitely don't want another lone predator sent down to Earth to hunt.



Right now, Im still annoyed about the stupid idea of putting multiple predators in a movie. It was always about 1 hunter taking down a group of hardcore badasses. Now these retards want to put multiple preds in a movie. And I will hate it if they use Rodriguez's piece of shit script he wrote before.



You guys are morons.  The Predators have ADVANCED weaponry and technology.  You know it alls can say all you want how they cant track Dutch.  But the Predator technology can.  I would believe every bit of it.  Because thats the lore of the Predator, their weaponry and their kind are unbelievable and mysterious.  So YES I believe the Predators can track Dutch how they want, when they want.  If your creative about it, it can be believable.  Now shut-up- know it alls.  Quit while your ahead!  This movie has a REAL director taking it over and yet you still bitch!!!

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