AvPGalaxy Reviews Predators!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jul 06, 2010, 06:45:57 PM

AvPGalaxy Reviews Predators! (Read 23,659 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I was given the chance to attend an early showing of Predators yesterday. And I have got to say it was better than I’d expected. I’ve written up an in-depth review:

“What I think really makes Predators stand up as a better film is that it  takes itself seriously. It would be too easy to slip into that 80′s  feel to pay tribute to Predator and make it way to cheesy. Thankfully  none of that happens. There are no ridiculous one liners. No stupid  characters like Tony Pope. This is life or death and the film does not  detract from the severity of the situation these characters find  themselves in.”

I found it much better than Predator 2 and far superior to the underwhelming AvP films. The review is mostly spoiler free but I do discuss 2 death scenes so read at your own peril. Be sure to check out.

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Excellent!! ;D I'm itching to read this review, but since two death scenes are discussed I'll have to wait til after I see it Friday. I did see the rating though; 4/5 awesome I'm so excited I'm shaking in anticipation ;D



Well done review Hicks! I am more excited than ever now!



omg omg i want to see it now even more good reveiw



Perhaps editing the review to show when spoilers are coming would help? :-X


Just about to read now.  :)



I cant wait to see Stans death scene, since i seen that part in one of the trailers thats all i have been wanting to see, the spinal column and skull ripped out of the body while the prey is still alive.....omg.....that is the ultimate death scene! I want to poop my big boy huggies when i see this. BRING IT ON!



Nice Review. Gonna be sick. Can't wait to go see it Friday. ;D  ;D


Stopped reading spoilers...



I can't comment on the new film, but i was just wondering what you meant by the rediculous 1 liners, because in my opinion in the first film they really make the film so good, "your one ugly mother f****r"... classic one liner and every one knows it,Arnie killing a gurillaur near the begining "stick around" again a classic one liner that made the film good :-\  could you just let me know please.



I think that if they had put any silly one liners into the new film then it would have made it cheesy, but the original film wouldn't be the same without them. Especially when they get over used by film makers i.e in Predator 2 ("you are one ugly motherf*****") and then again in AVP where the same thing is said to an Alien. You can't beat Arnie's little one liners, and I'm glad they haven't tried to make a replica of the original film. The franchise needs seriousness and some fear brought back to it, and by the sounds of things - that's what we might be getting. ???


Quite positive, full of spoilers, but sounds good.



Damn HICKS lol i even sent you a message and you said it aint spoileriffic.. :'(  Know ive got a gd idea what happens.. gd review tho mate.


More spoilers the an F1 race lol



Thanks for the review.
I glanced at it so wouldnt read any spoilers.  Just like reading the details how the predators look and how ADI sucks at what they do.
That picture of the black predator?  looks AMAZING!   Im not a fan of the green predator.

I really want the predator to say "want some candy?" again.
funny as hell.
Love the liners in predator films.

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