Rodriguez and Antal Interviewed

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 23, 2010, 07:48:42 AM

Rodriguez and Antal Interviewed (Read 7,508 times)

Corporal Hicks

Cinematical, have posted up an interview they did  with Predators producer Rodriguez and director, Antal:

“How much freedom did the studio give you?

Rodriguez: They were really good. They came down and they were  actually great collaborators, because I guess early on they didn’t want  to scare me away. They said, “we want you to protect this movie from us.  We want you to make it down there and do it your way. We’ll give you a  budget, and if you stay within the budget, you can do anything that you  want. We don’t know how you make movies down here for that price, [but]  we just want to get in the hands of a filmmaker. We know that’s what you  do with these franchises that people try to revitalize, like Batman  with [David] Goyer or Chris Nolan, just bringing it into their world.”  They said “that’s the only way we can pull this off. Do your thing and  make it cool and make it a Troublemaker Studios movie, you don’t have to  make it a Fox movie. We’ll release it, but you don’t have to make a Fox  movie.” So their only thing was make it as good as you can. So they  were just very supportive.”

They also talk about the studio freedom and the score and more. It’s a  nice little interview. Thanks to ace3g for the link.

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I just hope they don't have too much comedy in this film. It does sound good though.


Sounds great, but I still hold my breath on the predators themselves...



james horners original score for predator ??!?
ooooohhh kaaay!



I hope thats what the studio says for the Alien Prequel.....


James Horner?? lol but still great interview! Pretty cool about Fox giving them a lot of freedom... for once!



The studio finally realising the idea's they have forced upon their directors are just shit?



They should of got this right years agoooo they are just now realizing????

Bio Mech Hunter

Damn, this is what they should've done for Anderson and the original AVP film. >:(

I'm skeptical about Predators, but trying to remain optimistic.



Ah, yeah... Al Silvestri wrote the original score for "Predator"... only thing in these two franchises Horner did was "Aliens."



i guess they learned after dragonball evolution



alan silvestri predator james horner did aliens so how are they stickin with the roots??? im lost

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

Usually I have a bad feeling about these things, but I must say...Antel and RR DO know what there talking about



how about the alien prequel gets made next yr? dunno how itd work though.

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